

I remember from school something simple like

1/3 = 0.333…
so 3/3 = 3 * 0.333… = 0.999…
so 1 = 0.999…

though that was just for kids and I’m sure there are more sophisticated proofs “which this margin is too narrow to contain”.

Second step also pretty much contains the same assumption as I mentioned above. You’re already assuming that 0.9999… = 3/3 = 1. It’s not really proving anything.

The defining characteristic of language is it is always changing. Grammar Nazis are asking water to be less wet.

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Yes, it’s much easier to explain it this way than it is to explain how to prove a geometric series converges and work out its sum from first principles, that is certainly true.


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Inglorious Grammer Basterds


Is there a way to implement a self ban? If not is there someone I should P.M. about doing a temporary ban for myself?

Lets do one week.

To be clear I get a lot of value from the forum but I need to unplug for a bit. See you all later.


This can’t be true.


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In this instance we should defer to the appropriate authority


Yes yes my pony is breaking the law, breaking the law, I’ll leave it up


Heyyyyy FYI the software now lets you put someone on ignore FOREVER

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Not mods though…

Is that true? I didn’t know that. I can’t suspend other powers that be, but I can silence other mods and admins if you need me to wield a hammer in your honor.

All Mods Are Bastards


Unstuck Mods Are Dirty


Not knowing that gives us some insight into your own ignore list :upside_down_face:


Yes, can you please satisfy your craving for power by silencing yourself?

Total grunch because I don’t care enough about site moderation to actually read the probably very good posting you guys have been doing on the subject…

And please forgive me if this is the wrong thread for it…

But I think it’s time for a nunnehi containment thread or an outright ban. The guy’s content is extremely low quality, he’s extremely unpleasant, and I think he objectively makes almost every thread he participates in worse, and in some cases much worse.

I get that some people think he’s smart or whatever, or just enjoy fucking with him (I don’t, I think he’s suffering from some mental health issues and there but for the grace of god go I), but I think he’s run his course.

Like guys I’ve had the guy on ignore for months, and most of the threads I read have 200-500 post derails going on where he manages to inflame the best posters on this site and get them to waste their frankly pretty valuable time fighting with him instead of entertaining me. This is not acceptable.

Apparently there’s a point where a poster can be so bad that their output is indistinguishable from active trolling on a utilitarian level. That’s where we’re at with nunn now.