
To be fair, cuse won’t let it go either. For me, it’s like they’re just playing the Greatest Hits.

Over. And over. And over again.

They both have their reasons for playing the greatest hits in perpetuity. I figure this is their way of processing things that have nothing to do with each other.

I scroll on by, too. It bothers me only in that I worry about them sometimes, but otherwise I figure it’s none of my business. UNTIL MY MOD POWERS ACTIVATE MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA


true true

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I think where we disagree is that I see the cuse-nunn thing and see it as clearly being nunn’s fault. He’s getting absolutely curb stomped, won’t acknowledge it, and just keeps coming back over and over again to make the same points. It brings out the worst in Cuse, but Cuse is a top 5 poster on this site and Nunn has problems with or is on ignore with him and pretty much everyone else. His best reviews are appeals to indifference and pity. Meanwhile he’s quietly doing more damage to the average thread quality on unstuck than anachronistic ever did.

TLDR; yes but cuse is a good poster who makes the site meaningfully better and nunn is hot garbage that brings the quality of several other people’s posting by quite a lot. I don’t want him banned, but I do want him contained very badly so that he can stop fucking up important threads.


My problem isn’t with the inherent annoyance in having to scroll past nunn posts. My problem is with the inherent annoyance in having to scroll past cuse posts fighting with nunn. What would those posts have been if they hadn’t been contaminated with having to refute nunn’s drivel?

Could cuse have more self control? Sure. This is an excellent example of blaming the victim though.

That’s a Cuse problem, imo. He’s been @ProxyOP nunn just for the sake of insults for days on end now.


Yes he’s on tilt. That’s obvious. He won the last who the fuck knows how many arguments and Nunn simply isn’t willing to even acknowledge it and keeps doubling down. And the whole dynamic is getting worse not better.

So to figure out how to stop it from happening we could either a) blame the good poster who is obviously on tilt because of basically being unintentionally trolled (and the unintentional part is important for the nunn effect, he puts up a good facade of being both intelligent and reasonable which makes arguing with him more attractive than it normally would be with someone that closed minded) or b) blame the godawful poster who has added absolutely nothing to the site since he registered. I choose to deal with problems in the way that reduces the most future problems. Nunn makes problems and adds nothing, Cuse occasionally goes on mega tilt and has a crusade while being a very good poster.

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I hear you. I’m not comparing the degree of their contributions to the situation or assessing their quality as posters. So if it’s okay, I would like to drop that point. We are neither in agreement nor disagreement because that is not a conversation I find healthy or productive for me to have in this situation.

To your other point, yes, nunn brings out the worst in cuse. I wish he would try putting nunn on ignore. But that so far appears to be something both are unwilling or unable to do with each other. Hence in my role as a member of the community, not as a moderator, I echo concerns that the Greatest Hits collection may need containment.

I have the same problems on my own site at times and have to beg moderators to do the right thing which is always ban people who actively make the site worse. It’s the voting for Joe Biden of internet policing.


If you look at really toxic interactions on this site between posters you have to acknowledge that Nunn has been one of the parties in like 50% of them since the site started. He’s the one who won’t stop posting trash. That trash needs its own thread. I really wish everyone on the site would ignore him, but that’s obviously not happening.


Just so every person here trashing me understands, Cuse is on ignore and I haven’t responded to a single post of his in over 2 weeks despite him atting me every single day until I officially put him on ignore. I haven’t seen a single Cuse post in over a week. I told him I was never responding to him again yet the endless ats keep coming, so to think I’m the problem here is hilarious.

BS, as usual, trashes me without being a part of any conversation because I hurt his feelings a year+ ago making a post that apparently hit him way too close to home when I wasn’t even talking about him. Since he’s trashed me so much, I’ll just go ahead and tell him that I actually do think he’s a monster. There, you happy?

You have 5 to 8 problem children on this site who consistently attack me trying to discredit and undermine me, yet I’m the problem (I don’t do this to anyone)? Okay, I’ll just sit back and let people lie about me all day, that makes sense. The more you repeat the lie, the more people believe it, so just like Trump, looks like those on Cuse and BS’s side are winning. LOL at Cuse being a top 5 poster. You’re all so snowed, but you’ll wake up eventually. A lot of people already have, most of the others are still in denial about who the real problem is here. Remember, I’ve never picked a fight with Cuse, he always starts everything, but again, problem solved. Side with the bully, whatever.

Oh, and LOL at thinking I need a containment thread. BS is such an azz.

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Just let the nun/cuse thing simmer down. This doesn’t need mod action.


I think it does. I think someone needs to tell Cuse to step off, but lol at that ever happening because he wants to be the ‘big man’ here lol. Two weeks man of endless trolling to someone who says they’re not ever responding to you again, that’s a problem that needs to be addressed because he’s clearly not going to stop without intervention.

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Do you think that putting him back on ignore is not sufficient? I assume you think that the threads worse for everyone and therefore letting posters decide if they want to ignore won’t solve the problem?

Redacted for privacy.



He repeatedly posts ridiculous predictions, then refuses to address all his past ridiculous predictions that proved ridiculous, then talks down to people who dare call this out and says he knows best and these are all unknowns.

So he’s consistently wrong, and he’s smug and condescending about it while ripping off horrible takes.

I don’t believe in letting horrible takes slide, so I’m going to keep pointing this out.

From what you’re saying it sounds like nunn is winning the trolling war. Why should he be punished?

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I am familiar with his body of work.

I don’t think that increases the quality of the threads.


Nor does having someone repeatedly post horrible shit and claim it’s the gospel truth. There are people who will eat it up and fall for it, which is why I always shout it down. I was the same way on 2p2 with bad right wing posters. It doesn’t improve the experience for us, but there are lurkers or rare posters who are reading along too.

I don’t like bad ideas in the marketplace of information to be ignored or unchallenged. Especially when presented as nunn does.

And look how he handles it. Anyone who challenges him goes on ignore. He can’t handle being confronted. If anyone thinks it’s just me being an asshole because I am impatient and fly off the handle at people, look at Wichita and boredsocial’s interactions with him. They were more polite than me.

It’s not the tone, he cannot be challenged on anything. He’s toxic.

Who cares?