
ffs grow up - he’s allowed to be wrong (he often is imo) and you’re not his teacher. Ruining threads isn’t in anyone’s interest.

We get it that you’re frustrated and stressed at the moment - who isn’t? - but this constant bullying is fucking awful.

If his bad posts bother you that much either ignore them or put him on ignore. He’s clearly not going to cave and all you’re doing is fighting a war you can’t win.


Maybe it’s not the dunking but the venue?

When it’s admittedly just dunking… why not take the dunking to one of the bad poster threads? Like this one, the one in French BBQ, or make up a new one (preferably in French BBQ)?

Pointing out and dunking has it’s place, it serves a purpose in moderation inline,… but when it’s dunking gratuitously, and covering more than the topic at hand, or goes back years (?!?) now… isn’t that place in a bad posters thread -vs- a content thread?

Well given that he keeps posting 1,200 word screeds of steaming bullshit while lecturing us about how he knows best and if we’d all just accept that we’d be better off for it, his track record is important to know for anyone who stumbles onto his manifestos.

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I really wish cuse hadn’t @ me so I could remain unaware this thread was happening. My 2c is that the substance of his posting is mostly fine although it has been hilariously wrong pretty much the entire history of the forum. The two problems I have with him are:

-If you respond to him in any way that isn’t just complete praise of his post he flips out and immediately goes into personal insults against whoever is posting rather than debating on the merits. That shouldn’t be allowed and makes every thread he participates in unreadable.
-His posting is always accompanied by either stated arrogance (“I have to go over this again because you morons don’t get it”) or a general sense of superiority. Mature adults don’t personally insult people almost every time they talk. 99% of the posters here don’t do that. 99% of people don’t have continuous grudge matches with half the forum

I don’t really care if he stays or goes. If he wants to stay he needs to grow up and actually have discussions with people who disagree with him. If he makes bad posts he should prepare to be dunked on. The ad hominem attacks get old and serve nothing other than to inflame the discussion and prevent him from ever having to face the actual points the other posters are making. I asked for a containment thread on multiple other occasions and nothing ever happened so I assume others don’t feel the same way.

I will also acknowledge I am not a perfect and innocent party in any of this but I have tried to do better. Literally every time I engage him he immediately goes to the personal attacks about me being a goon (LOL), untrustrworthy, dumb, etc. I laugh at them so I don’t really care but that is not a sign of a positive contributor to the forum. The fact his likes/post are down there with Heritagenothate and Donald Trump is not a coincidence.


Is this a general observation or do you think anyone in particular on this site is eating it up?

I assume he is concerned about the lurkers. Whether or not that is a legit concern I have no idea but the forum stats make it seem like there are quite a few.

If that’s the case constant fighting with the same poster isn’t going to attract new posters (not of the type that people want posting here, anyway).

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My issue is not just him being wrong. It’s him refusing to admit it while lecturing a bunch of us about how nunn knows best and future events are unknowns we cannot possibly predict.

Obviously that should lead to an inspection of past accuracy, and when he gaslights about it or refuses to acknowledge it, that leads to what we have now.

I’ve had heated arguments with plenty of people who I’m now able to conversate with with minimal/no issues, as you obviously know. NBZ is another.

No, because I think it’s important that anyone who doesn’t realize his record is made aware of it when he’s posting hot garbage suggestions and takes - they shouldn’t have to dig into French BBV to figure that out.

He gets likes on some of his worrisome takes. People want optimism in 2020 and he’s selling it. But when you peel back the wrapper it’s a steaming pile of horseshit.

This is a politics discussion forum. Almost all of us have lots of disagreements with other posters. They almost always stay civil. Sometimes people change their minds and I like to think that we learn from them. The difference with nun is that he always escalates every encounter into a full on war filled with personal attacks. That isn’t something any of us want or should accept.


Yeah this has been my mindset on not letting bad takes go unchallenged all the way back to 2p2, and it was strengthened when we moved and a lot of lurkers came out of the woodwork.

This community helped me shape my ideas and views because everything was challenged and argued by intelligent people. I assume there are others doing the same at any given time.

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To be perfectly honest with you, and I wasn’t going to mention this at all, but there are many people here who think you’re an unpleasant bully, and perhaps that should lead to an inspection of your own?

Can’t believe I’m standing up for fucking nunn here lol.


Who cares?


lol if i made his bad list then its not hard to make it.

I think i replied to him or about him maybe 2-3 times in the last few months including the above.

The first was mentioning that he was sure impeachment was going to work, that might not have been 100% correct but he was basically pumping sunshine throughout that whole time period that trump was going down, if i’m wrong then someone correct me please and I’ll apologize. The only one that disagreed when i posted that was Nunn.

The other was in the last few days in the notorious bailout thread where i disagreed with him like once and basically everyone else has as well.

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Ok, so ignore him and he’ll stop. I mean, it’s not like he’s the only poster here who does this, but I haven’t noticed it spanning across multiple threads (though possibly it has?).

I mean, if there’s a normal discussion going on and nunn bursts in and starts abusing people he disagrees with out of the blue every time, then there’s a case for a containment thread for him or a temp ban. But is that happening?

And this goes right back to what I said about him being unable to admit he’s wrong. He can’t win an argument about his record so he lashes out. His posts drip with condescension to discourage challenges. He thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room and he cannot let that be challenged.

In this community nobody is always the smartest person in the room. We have experts in a lot of subjects… And sometimes they even have blind spots and a relative layman can catch something interesting they miss.

Is it though? ZOMG, somebody is wrong on the interwebs? Is being wrong, as in a poor handicapper, when predicting the future really what we want to make a litmus test here?

My point still stands outside of French BBQ issue.

  • This is a bad posters thread, isn’t this a better venue for (checks notes) whining about bad posting -vs- a content thread?

  • You are free to make another bad poster thread here in “About”, over in “Politics”, or in “Sundry” if you want. Wouldn’t that be a better course of action -vs- whining about bad posting (in general) in a content thread?

I’m well aware, and I’ve thought about it in the past, and I am fine with it. I stand up for what I think is right/important and I’m not nice about it when I think that’s warranted. If that means I’m bullying nunn, call it that if you want. If that means arguing vehemently with you over something I think is important, so be it, call it what you want.

People can think I’m an asshole and vice versa, but we still manage to coexist and discuss things presently without harping on the past and being insufferable once those debates have happened.

Those of us who don’t like toxic bullshit being spewed here constantly?

I don’t care if nunn is wrong. This place gets less interesting if everyone agrees. What I care about is his unwillingness to ascribe any sort of good will to those who disagree with him. Instead, he seems to see them as amoral cynics who don’t care about people. It makes it easier to be a crusader when you think you are fighting pure evil.


I mentioned you cause you’ve reacted a few times by pointing out his wrongness or liking posts of those who do, and I think that’s all it takes.