
Yup. I did a trawl through his posting history once when he’d pissed me off about Brexit, and found a couple of gems, namely

  1. Used to teach maths at college
  2. 0.9 recurring is not equal to 1

Jeez. It should be relatively easy to prove this to anyone with a modicum of mathematical understanding. Anyone who teaches maths in any capacity and thinks this should be summarily fired and sent away to the gulags for re-education, though.

I think the inference is that like many forumites he’s FoS when it comes to facts about himself.

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Wait, so you’re saying this dude might not really teach neuroscience? Well, that’s awkward.

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By the way, the traditional method of proving 0.999… = 1 by multiplying by 10 then subtracting, while intuitive, is totally invalid, since it contains a hidden assumption which basically presupposes the very thing about infinite series that it’s trying to prove in the first place.


I remember from school something simple like

1/3 = 0.333…
so 3/3 = 3 * 0.333… = 0.999…
so 1 = 0.999…

though that was just for kids and I’m sure there are more sophisticated proofs “which this margin is too narrow to contain”.

Second step also pretty much contains the same assumption as I mentioned above. You’re already assuming that 0.9999… = 3/3 = 1. It’s not really proving anything.

The defining characteristic of language is it is always changing. Grammar Nazis are asking water to be less wet.

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Yes, it’s much easier to explain it this way than it is to explain how to prove a geometric series converges and work out its sum from first principles, that is certainly true.


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Inglorious Grammer Basterds


Is there a way to implement a self ban? If not is there someone I should P.M. about doing a temporary ban for myself?

Lets do one week.

To be clear I get a lot of value from the forum but I need to unplug for a bit. See you all later.


This can’t be true.


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In this instance we should defer to the appropriate authority


Yes yes my pony is breaking the law, breaking the law, I’ll leave it up


Heyyyyy FYI the software now lets you put someone on ignore FOREVER

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Not mods though…

Is that true? I didn’t know that. I can’t suspend other powers that be, but I can silence other mods and admins if you need me to wield a hammer in your honor.