
I don’t like to see him go but I agree. I have always been on the if you are aggrieved enough to leave just leave. Announcing it just smacks of wanting attention.

If I don’t get five likes I am leaving.


Pretty weird to ghost this site and 2p2 after 25,000 posts on the latter and a whole bunch here. And as a result of a fairly mild insult? I hope Dodger is OK. He’s a funny fucker.


Yea, I don’t know why we aren’t considering death or something covid here. Hope he’s ok. Didnt really notice he was gone but I never notice things like that.

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I noticed because the Fighting Thread is basically dead without him. Hope he’s ok.

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Aren’t too many fights on. Boxing is coming back but the fights suck. The last UFC card wasn’t worth watching. The next one involves bringing a bunch of olds from a local ALF back into the octagon. Probably watch that though.

Sucks that Dodger isn’t here. Was he the one with a sick parent or something that he was caring for full-time?

Can we go ahead and delete this SEO spam now? I looked at this poster’s profile and it’s clear that they just created an account to post the link.

Post in question:
[redacted to remove link]

P.S. I guess this post may need to be edited to remove the link once the post is removed. Thanks to any moderators who can help out!

Yes. I’m not sure I remember all the specifics, but at first it was so known reg’s had reasonable permissions on initial sign up. And then later because we stayed small and bad faith accounts didn’t seem like a serious problem maybe? I’m not sure.

This is our first spam account, yes? They’re wasting their time since we still have the rel=“nofollow” for low level accounts, so search engines will ignore their links.


We need at least one leftist mod.

Could you define leftist? If it’s not too big a derail.

A term used by people who have listened to limbaugh


I don’t know who the mods here are but I’ve seen a couple threads in the last couple weeks with obvious shitlib bias in the title edits that would make me never want to open them

Mods should be aware that, when someone else changes a thread title to continue mocking a Jewish politician who hasn’t been realistically relevant for months but that they’ve been shitting on for five years, it’s going to turn off a lot of people I presume are the kind of people they want posting here

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He definitely means this. Lol.

Funny he thinks I am the one needing modding as I’m the only one not name calling itt.

I also think it’s hilarious he has now concocted a conspiracy whereby all the mods are secret right wing nuts on a board where literally every member represent the top 5% of the progressive spectrum. Because a few fancy themselves the top 1% “we need a leftist mod!” Stat.

I just think we should have some equal representation around here. Clovis has done nothing that needs modding.

There should be a pencil next to the title in the original post, click it and it should turn the title into a text box.

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It isn’t editable for me either, unlike other thread titles.

I suspect it’s because it’s in French BBV. Perhaps using un crayon instead would help.


Something’s wrong with your permissions. It needs snoreo to take a look. @anon46587892

Only users at TL3 can edit other peoples’ thread titles. The trust levels are set by an algorithm.

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I think this is it. I see the pen for the handful of topics I checked outside of FBBV but not inside it.