
We need a complete and total ban on Brits until we can figure out what the hell is going on.


I don’t know who you are or what you e posted. Are you talking about lapka or the Epstein thread?

Because pile ons are becoming more frequent and are unacceptable imo. You and others involved might enjoy a fleeting sense of power from being part of a marauding gang of goons, but I don’t believe it’s why this forum was set up.

Epstein. I see you agree that Churchill was bonkers tonight, so maybe I misinterpreted your post as an attack on those of us who called him out. My apologies if so.


There’s a case to be made that it’s exactly why, imo. Pile-ons were what the right-wingers would complain to ATF about, right? They were the casus belli for Mason putting us on Double-Secret Probation.

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I have to agree there does seem to be a much more belligerent tone to the forum lately. I’m sure it partly comes from everyone being stressed and bored but there doesn’t appear to be even the most basic desire to give anyone the benefit of the doubt on anything. Everything turns from 1 to 10. 2 to 9 have vanished.

I’m as guilty as anyone.

In the end I think it is harming the community.

We could all try to be a little more empathetic and understand that having a different opinion doesn’t make everyone instantly the enemy.


That could be due to terrible posting increasing like crazy. Like when someone makes a couple hundred posts in defense of some racist slang from the 80s.


Disliking pile ons doesn’t make someone right wing, and I hope you didnt mean it that way.

My recollection is that this forum was set up because white supremacists were being encouraged by a malignant ownership back into a forum they’d been rightly banned from, were given free rein to post hateful bile and people here decided to form their own forum.

Obviously not, I just mean that pile-ons were a big part of Politics in the old country, and a big part of the ostensible case for shutting that forum.

Also like some of your takes.

People should have understood much sooner what it took them hundreds of posts and several interventions by other non yanks to grasp about linguistic differences in other countries.

Fucking hopeless.

What pile on? A few people tried to explain to you why a certain word is inappropriate and you kept antagonizing them in response. Is everyone supposed to stfu? You had a million opportunities to let it go and have the topic be dropped.

Then today people “piled on” to a guy defending Ghislaine and insisting on calling 16 year olds adults.

I do agree with you about lapka though.

Edit: still dying on this hill. amazing.

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I guess it must be my imagination and the same goes for everyone who PMd me and those who posted in that thread to say about how disgusted they were with it.

I have no issues with Churchill and appreciate his participation here normally. I just assume he is having an off night, for whatever reason.

Not sure regular long time , albeit low profile, posters should be facing a ban after having a bad evening.

By the way I am speculating he is having a bad night and maybe I am being too presumptuous.

Maybe we can spin the theoreticals about age and criminal liability spun off so that thread can be more news and information focused.

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A temp-ban is nothing, assuming it’s like 48 hours or something. I’d let him plead it down to a thread-ban if that’s enforceable through the software (dunno if it is).

Pretty sure he blacked out an hour back so that’s a self-imposed 12 hour temp ban I guess. Good enough.


This morning I was going to make a Kumbaya UP thread where only good thoughts would be shared.

I chastise my own laziness. I agree the last couple days have been extra tumultuous. If everyone can try to keep this in mind before firing off I think things can settle down.

I do think a lot of us are on raw nerves from everything going on. I know for me the whole corona thing continues to be a massive deal as with many here I have been taking extra ordinary measures for almost half a year but things are just now getting real bad here in Texas, with no respite in sight.


I’d say the last few months, with notable flare-ups the last few days. I was definitely putting too much mustard on the zingboes for a while there. Corbyn, Sanders, lockdown, it all adds up.


I’m probably more tolerant of bad point of views than most just because I come from the camp that we all have a genetic blueprint and then are placed into this world under circumstances we cannot control or pick.

That being said this is what a temp ban is for. He said he was going to take the L and move on then came back making the same bad point over and over again. 24 hour temp ban is not the end of the world.

Guess I’m glad that I haven’t read that Epstein thread because I haven’t noticed anything.

Do yourself a favor and put that thread on Mute.

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