Moderation rules


How many times has the bot been reported? What’s the most number of bot reports from any one poster? Has someone reported it 2 times or 20 times? There’s a difference between someone really thinking some tweets should be reported, someone trying to make a point (in a bad way imo), and someone maliciously trolling you.

There’s feedback to a poster. There’s people posting things that for various reasons some people don’t want on this site. Maybe because they think it’s offensive, maybe because they are afraid that it fosters more bad posting and will bring bad posters. That doesn’t really apply to the bot where the tweets are available to anyone in a million different places.

The. Bot. Is. Not. A. Poster.

If the bot were a real person it would have both quit and been banned a loooong time ago.


Recently, since this all started, one poster has done it twice, another did it once, another did a tweet featuring a right wing media person calling for violence that, IIRC, trolly had posted - probably in the Trump’s America thread. Possibly a couple more that I don’t recall specifically.

Put another way, roughly half of the flagged posts in the past week have been these.

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Then why do you keep making posts where that’s the core of your argument?

Or conversely would it be possible (and maybe easier) to remove the ability to flag a particular poster - the bot in this case? @zikzak

There’s a difference between creating content here that crosses the line and the President of the United States crossing the line, which is something we should all be following and discussing. There is value to this community in knowing what is going on in that regard.


Seems like you’re mad about something else.

Isn’t the bot more like a newsfeed than a poster? Are we not allowed to report that Trump called people “human scum”? Would we not be allowed to post an offensive Trump tweet if there were no bot?

I’m not sure it will be possible then for you to do more than agree to disagree.

Having said that, I think you’ll have a far more productive conversation if your point is clear. You’re attempting to persuade the forum that the bot should be treated like a regular poster.

Given how thoroughly the bot has already been discussed and determined not to be the same, I think you’ve got quite a challenge ahead of you to persuade people to change their minds, but it seems important to you, so I wish the the best.

Based on that my suggestion is to ignore it. Second place is ask the person who reported it twice not to do it again and to post about it in the forum if they don’t like the bot. If they do it again, I think maybe publicly out them as being an asshole and abusing the report post. I’d put it at like 4 reports for a ban warning and then only for the one person who has done that and not every other poster who has never reported the bot.

I can see maybe the argument for deleting tweets from the Trump’s America thread if they’re really beyond the pale and too horrible to even read, but for the most part that thread is sort of designed to showcase some of the garbagey things going on right now.

I had noticed that and wondered for a second, but moved on. If you’re salty about something, I think it’d be better to get to the point instead of supporting spite-reporting the bot.

That’s a firm no from me. They’ve all been asked not to do it again. Everyone has been made aware. Like, there’s virtually no risk of a random user in good faith doing this. I’m confident in that because so far in six months or whatever, nobody has done this in good faith according to flagged post records.

It’s only been done within the last week, and it’s obvious why.

I’ve made my point several times and it seems that I’m wrong about it, so I’m done.

While I wasn’t involved in that one, I do want to point out that it wasn’t a unilateral decision. That post was flagged by a regular user, and a mod (pretty sure smacc posted that it was him?) then agreed with the flag, which hides the post.

Well, so as not to call for a violation of moderator-poster privilege, I’m asking the reporter to identify themselves and really bring this out into the open.

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By “a ton” you mean two?

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I reported 2 Trump tweets last week and stopped when cuse told me to stop.

I think it’s because he takes it as a shot at him because of his stance in the NotBruceZ thread. We don’t have all the info. If it’s the pro-8chan posters exclusively, then I kinda get his point.

It wasn’t removed for reporting what trump said. Smac specifically said a few posts later that the post could be read ambiguously and he didn’t want anyone to think master was calling people in the thread human scum.

Which master then agreed with and moved on. Let’s at least get the facts straight.