Moderation rules

Obligatory free boredsocial post

Reporting the bot obviously sucks.

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What would the point be? The bot is not a poster. It cannot be reasoned with. It’s a site feature. It’s a news feed. If you don’t like it, post about in the bot thread. If you want the bot banned, bring that up in the open forum. Reporting the posts is just wasting peoples’ time.


The next person who reports the bot, or a tweet of a Republican politician/commentator/whatever that someone has posted is eating a 24 hour ban.

Knock it the fuck off.


Yeah… that’s just stupid and shitty. Like maybe it was funny the first time someone ever did it. Since then it’s been suuuuuper shitty.

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What happens when someone reports it?

ETA: What work does that create for mods?

It gets sent like a reported post to the mods and clogs up cuse. Basically it’s just an annoying thing people do and should stop.

I’m sure cuse chuckled a bit the first time someone reported the bot… but the second time it wasn’t funny, and the third time it was probably ‘goddamn it stop spamming my PM’s’. By the 5th-6th time he was probably starting to actively dislike some of you.


Why hide a bot post? You will have seen it, but want to protect the rest of us from seeing it?

We can handle it.

The bot won’t respond to our feedback. The bot isn’t bringing over a bunch of 4-channers or whatever we’re afraid of bad posters doing, or if it is, it’s the whole bot and not just a tweet here or there. What’s the point?

Trump’s twitter account seems … clearly above the rules. People talk about banning him from Twitter, I’d rather see wtf he’s going on about.

This. Sometimes newsworthiness beats out everything. Trumps twitter feed is enormously news worthy and dunking on it is an engine of this site.

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I’d give him 48 hours. There have been numerous posts in here about how the pattern of posting matters, and rare/one off instances warrant a PM not a banning.

The community has had numerous discussions about the bot, wants the bot, etc. It’s the President of the United States, it’s newsworthy. If it’s a newsmaker/tastemaker/etc saying it, fair use applies to analyze what’s going on.

Only thing I can think of is if he Tweeted somebody’s home address or something like that.

Feel free to spend some time contributing to the discussion about setting rules, since that’s how a community run place works. It probably won’t take that much longer than you’ve spent bitching about me ITT.

We’ve gotta go in and check every time. It is annoying.

Confirmed. That was the exact progression.

All that said, this strikes me as way over the top. I am Spartacus. If someone eats a ban over this, sign me up for one as well.

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It seems excessive, but then I’m not the one who has to deal with these post reports every day.

Feel free to suggest a better action, I’m all ears. Trolling the mods by reporting posts that clearly should not be reported is obviously out of line, and so far I’ve given numerous warnings and it’s not stopping. We’re volunteer mods, it’s not particularly fun work, and trolling us is childish. I’m not Nancy Pelosi, I’m not writing eight more strongly worded letters. I’ll post the warning in the Trump thread too so that everyone has seen it, and that’s that.

Like, what would happen on 2p2 if someone was intentionally reporting posts to spam the mods? I seem to recall threats of temp bans for that, but maybe I’m remembering wrong.

In my brief stint with powers I found ignoring it relatively easy. As I said, I’m against reporting the bot. It’s pointless (and other reports are not) and seeing the notification and getting your hopes up about “you’ve got mail” only to find a dumb post report is annoying. But, people seem to disagree in good faith about this.

Is there a feature to remove a users’ privilege to flag posts? @zikzak

That would be a good solution here.

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Not if his PM’s are clogged with them it isn’t. At a certain point you’re just being an asshole and he’s asked nicely like 10 times. If you keep doing it you deserve a temp ban, and if you keep doing it after that I’d support a perma ban. Destroying a mods inbox for your own giggles is shitty behavior.


I hadn’t thought of that but yes. That would be perfect.

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I don’t like “getting mail” in that regard. It means I have to stop reading/posting about whatever I’m enjoying reading/posting about to go check on the flagged post, figure out what the appropriate action is, take the action, possibly post to announce the action or PM users to announce the action, etc, and possibly get raked over the coals for whatever I decided…

Yeah, it’s a minute or two, but it’s a minute or two that I could be spending on something I enjoy and instead have to spend on something that is a labor of love for the forum. So when it’s just someone trolling me, that’s a total waste of that minute, it’s a slap in the face, and it should stop. And if asking nicely multiple times isn’t going to stop it, then there needs to be some action taken.

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Could you help me understand the source of your frustration? What is the point of you making these posts? I don’t say that to indicate there is no point. I’m just confused.

Are you asking for someone to explain the difference between a post by a poster and a post by the bot?

Are you arguing that there should be no difference?

Just venting?

Something else?