Moderation rules

Anti-brag: I’m not very weird in person. I think I present as a normie. I am lovable though!

The point in this question is it lays the foundation for the rules.

If it’s just us, and nbz is straight up saying he’s going to play saboteur with a smile bc he doesn’t gaf about anything but his overarching political goals, then boot him w/ no regret.

I don’t think we need to fear too much about cuse being some tyrant (he’s obv not) and just trust him as our philosopher king (along with other community chosen mods) bc otherwise, like mb said, we’ll all just move.

I can x-post this to the other thread but I’m going to be lazy, stop thinking about all this and head on over to the LC.


My thoughts were and continue to be:

  1. Keep the community together
  2. Expand it and amplify its voice
  3. Find ways to keep doing the above better

I know there are some who only want what we already have and resist all change (how those people ended up on the political left is an interesting question). As I have stated repeatedly, I believe that attitude is a mistake that will in fact lead to atrophy and death. So I’m going to keep pushing forward on 2 and 3, because I believe they are necessary for 1.


That’s for sure.

Can confirm.

So the twitter admin posted something which got a strong negative/concerned response by some members of the community and then he changed his mind and removed the tweet instead of imposing his own set of values? Amazing.

Hey nunnehi, come tell this guy he’s a very good poster and you like him a lot.

I can’t… quite… do it.

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Hey nun. Please let this guy know what an awesome mod he is. He needs constant validation

Nah, I don’t need that. You haven’t tried to have me de-modded, which tells me that I even have the ongoing support of the person who’s being the biggest asshole to me. So thanks for that.

It’s sometimes better to just wait for the pimple to fade away instead of popping it and leaving a scar.

Good read tho.

There’s no way I’m posting that.

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Crap, forgot to switch accounts. Ah well.

Lol kidding, but wouldn’t that have been funny?

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cuse, I like you and you are a good poster. I hope you and the community can reach some mutually satisfying resolution. It’d be a huge shame to lose either one.

At a bare minimum we should

  1. Not break US laws.

  2. Be somewhat grownup.

1 is pretty easy. No, you can’t threaten the president on the internet. Yes, this is different from shooting people in Call of Duty.

  1. Is hard. The community standards for acceptability have always de facto been defined as “stuff that Wookie thinks is acceptable.” I have often been critical of Wook’s judgement, but it’s worked for a very long time. For better or worse, 'cuse has taken over Wookie’s role.

The shit NBZ has been posting has never ever been acceptable in the history of this community and I think we need to have a good long discussion before we make a radical change. I will confess that I am an old and out of touch but also 8chan is out there if you want an edgey venue.

Let’s focus on keeping the community together first and then work out the metes and bounds of what’s acceptable here.


Important message to all: do not troll me by reporting posts of the TrumpBot, or posts quoting/showing video of right wing media/politicians/analysts/etc.

It’s not just annoying for me - it’s going to cause notifications and a pain in the ass for whatever mods are online when you do it.

There have been numerous users doing this, and I’m sick of PMing them directly about it.

Knock it off.

Again, I apologise for transcribing the post in question to the Twitter account. Little anecdote, before I posted on Twitter, I read boredsocial’s post to my wife and she was laughing hysterically so I thought it would be safe for public consumption.

I stand by my original observation, there was absolutely no threat of violence. It was a vivid metaphor of the current political climate that we all have found ourselves in. Maybe it wasn’t appropriate for social media, so I had no problem taking it down almost instantaneously after being published. It may have been up 3 minutes, tops.


I saw a lot of unopened posts in this thread and got mildly excited we may have been finally laying down some ground rules. Instead I open to more cuse histrionics.

Lol cuse forever and always.

if cuserounder is dids’ second incarnation it makes so much sense to me.

Calm down


Yeah I’m not sure why anyone is saying that post had any kind of threat of violence, because it didn’t. I question anyone’s judgement if they believe that post contains a threat.

I just think even without a threat it was inappropriate for it to be tweeted by the untstuck handle, so thanks for removing it.


So we’re not supposed to be critical of the giant dink in the Whitehouse? Remain silent because the asshole who has been doing shitty things since day one might do more shitty things? Seems like bad logic to me.

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