META: About Unstuck splintering into SPE

I voted against him.

That’s surreal.


I would possibly expand it to 5 mods and have people able to be de-modded by unanimous consent of the other mods. I’d be OK with whatever fine details, the point is executive authority in the hands of mods and an end to argument about it. I posted this a year and a half ago:

The other thing is that I am convinced the detailed discussion over moderation actually foments the divisions we’re seeing. Like you’re saying “well, there’s two sides here” like this arose spontaneously but in my opinion this drama was whipped up by the process of discussing moderation. Moderation is a fractious topic, discussing it on forums is like discussing religion and politics at dinner parties, it’s better kept at as low a level as you can get away with if you don’t want a forum full of angerbears.

Since then I’ve seen more formerly reasonable people turned into petty lunatics by this process, there’s still no consensus and most remarkably of all, absolutely nobody is happy. Like if we had simply, in July 2021 when I wrote this, picked five people at random out of people who had > 100 posts in the last 3 months and made them moderators with executive authority and banned anyone who complained about it, the forum would be in a far happier state today.


Elections don’t matter that much until we change rules about the role and responsibility of mods.

Sure but jal voted and meb passed the vote. Y’all got fucking pwned so hard in that reality. That’s why you’re so mad?

At least for my conspiracy we have stuff like “logs” and stuff

I’m not keen to butt heads with you on a topic where I could learn more by just listening. You say you would be OK with whatever fine details. It seems those are probably quite important when setting up fascism. Otherwise it would just be a far happier forum of fascism survivors.

That was under the hypothetical proposed by ChrisV.

Holy smokes. How many threads need to be started to argue about nonsense. I get more confused every time. I have no idea who is mad at who or why people left.


Like I’ve told you several times, many Captains were voting yes for anyone who volunteered and not because it could have got you banned.

I’m guessing this was in reply to me because I remember our conversations about it, as you were one of an absolute tiny amount of people who faced the “how about a little forum fascism, as a treat” dissonance head on (if others didn’t pussyfoot this whole thing could’ve been knocked out in an afternoon).

But I don’t remember the specific part about politics at dinner parties, as the reply writes itself.

i have a feeling that if you gave me a day to make a list of my favorite 20 posters, both teams would have 7-8 people. that said, i still have no idea who’s who…

can someone PLEASE, for real, make a list of who’s who? not that anyone cares, but i’d cashapp somebody 5 bucks or whatever for an accurate list, like “these x posters are captains, these x posters are whatever the anti-captains are”.

on another note, coasterbrad said everything perfectly in post #32… this place has been AMAZING through some pretty ridiculous years. soo many smart people, soo much information aggregation. but it sucks that some people come here to argue moreso than anything else. and it’s a meme, but in this case it really is #bothsides. some of yall are some bickering ass bitches. but even then, i can just power-scroll through 30 posts of back and forth bc a) i’m not here to argue, b) i’m not on either team, and most importantly c) this place is still worth the occasional power-scroll.

i’ll go wherever the good stuff is. i think it’s weird af that slow pony express (solid name btw) has literally the same thread names and everything (though i guess it makes sense, reminds me of the movie beerfest, when landfill dies, they meet his twin brother, start calling him landfill and the movies proceeds with a new landfill lmao), but that ain’t up to me to decide.

anyway, if i’ve ever amused you and you find 4 minutes to type up a list of the teams, i’d be obliged.


so if your love runs low, just reach out and call his name! benevolent zikzak Stalin!

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I’d need more than 5 bucks. The captains list would be about 65 people and the horsemen is mostly the top posters at SEP. You could check the post count over there.

i’m either oblivious or the lamest guy here 🫠

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I wouldn’t say lame. I mean, to each their own. But I am always surprised when people don’t read or even skim the most active threads on the site.

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So the facist comments are interesting. Obviously dumb if you mean it seriously, but it brings up an important point: changes were attempted to be made in a very democratic process.

Furthermore, when the democratic process was used, it was used repeatedly by one side, and it was subverted repeatedly by the captains.

Meb won a mod election after arguing that a select few people needed to be banned. He won. Those bans were overturned unilaterally after an admin defaced the site by a mod. @Yuv which mod did that again?

CW again won an election, again arguing that a different type of modding needed to happen. This was met with all sorts of nonsense, including churchill posting CW’s initials as a clear threat. These were again, reversed, without a community vote.

Hell wookie won an election until a bunch of new accounts from NMNM jumped in, including obvious sockpuppets, again violating basic democratic principles.

The problem isn’t the democracy, it’s that democracy is ignored or subverted by a vocal minority on this site.

nah i mean i do, but right when i think about grabbing a pencil and drawing a line down the middle of a paper and putting names on either side, i get annoyed by 2 people making the next 20 posts saying, “i’m not arguing in bad faith you are” to each other.

doesn’t matter i guess. it’s just a weird spot when somebody you’ve enjoyed reading for decades is arguing with another person you’ve enjoyed reading for decades and you wish they’d both just shit the fuck up.


also, i wasn’t implying i was lame, i was being facetious.

you’re lame :joy:

what’s so compelling about it? lol