META: About Unstuck splintering into SPE

About what? Life? Dunno man. Lots of fans, lots of critics. Hard to pick a side.


this endless saga. let’s find the poetry in it, i guess err

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Poetry’s a high bar. I’d say it’s compelling to be in a Milgram Experiment post-Milgram. I mean, we all know what happened there. Now we are there. But it’s the same as there was then. Like, what? I’m compelled.

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So this is important, and was deleted… unilaterally ofc, from Jman:

I’m not going to post further than to say this is absolutely true. As one of the posters recently active on exiled politics you can check for yourself. SPE was trying to launch slowly precisely because everyone was afraid of all the account impersonation and threats that had been going on here. I made a post on exiled politics inviting people to pm me for a link to the forum with an explanation that it was being done like that because of a fear of account impersonation with the idea that the site would go a few people at a time over a few days so regs could claim their own account names.

Someone pretending to be @TimBuktuuf messaged me on EP asking for the link. @TimBuktuuf later confirmed that wasn’t him. Within minutes of that the same poster registered a fake timbuktuuf account on SPE, and within minutes of that Yuv was posting about the website here on unstuck and then nmnm folks started joining.

These security issues are the reason I’ve stopped posting on this website but i really do wish you all the best and I hope both websites can survive. There is no reason this needs to be the death of this website. 2+2 didn’t die when UP was formed.

Edit: as indicated I will not respond further to this thread because I don’t think it’d be constructive to do so, and I’ve candidly had more than my full of forum warz, but certainly anyone is free to message me on exiled or on SPE.

Who do you think deleted it?

Yuv did.

someone should write a screenplay os lol I don’t buy it.

Brother, we’re in the screenplay. That’s the thing. It’s a 10,000 page novel spanning six forums across two decades. A couple hundred posters have grown from young adulthood into middle age alongside one another. Now they all hate each other. Someone call Spielberg. That shit’s compelling.


ok. let’s coauthor a cool next chapter


Rule 34 applies.

We can try. I think someone put the lights in here on a timer though.

Wait who is it you think are the fascists in the analogy and who do you think means it seriously or not?

Come to one of the variety of offshoot forums, all who labor under the yoke of incessant forum drama.

Come , oh blessed of My Father, and inherit the forum prepared for you from the foundation of the world.’

At least we agree on something. I had almost forgotten what a delusional pos liar that dude is. He straight up gives you a run for your money.

Tbf I at least like how technical and highbrow the discussion is. My buddy wrote his polysci thesis on ‘all sorts of nonsense’.

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Also it’s similar to how you can run for dogcatcher on a platform of killing all the dogs, get elected, and then just, like, kill all the dogs. Fathers will hug their sons and mothers their daughters, grateful for the miracle that is democracy.

Let me know what forum you end up on. I will probably need to ask for some help. Trying to plumb a house I’m building. There actually might be more to this then - Hot’s on the left, cold’s on the right. Shit runs downhill. Don’t chew your fingernails. Payday is on Friday.



People said the same back in '48 when ABC started.


No dimby, it ended with your friends all leaving for Slow Horsemen. Don’t really know why you’re still here but that’s your choice.

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