META: About Unstuck splintering into SPE

Pick one or whatever, I don’t care. Just spare me giving a shit about voting when your “community rule” against bans is a figment of your imagination.

We had a vote. The hecklers vetoed it because they don’t actually give a shit about what the community wants. That’s how we’ve gotten here.

Sounds good, so any mod. Would you be ok with it if Yuv were to perm-ban you now?

You wouldn’t want the troublemakers banned?

You have no shame huh.


bro what happened to you?

It’s just sad UP had to die this way

Congratulations to the Four Horsemen Slow Ponies of the UPocalypse!

I’m not even a little worried about Yuv banning me, mostly because I’ll be perfectly fine even if I do get banned… and that was before SPE. You’ll note in that mod election I voted for bannings when I thought it could be me. If I had gotten banned, I wouldn’t have gone crying to another mod to overturn that ban or enlisted the admin to damage the site. I would have been a damn adult about it and left it alone. Something clearly you’re not capable of maxcutaltaltalt

naturally, the one with more to gain from stealing market share of user content: the new one. imagine this same situation, but for the first few weeks every user gets 5 cents per post and a quarter for every like received. the place would be bumping. so many broke losers normal people on this site after missing the nft bull market the first time are probably dying for a few bucks stimulus for doing the same posting they’re gonna post for free anyway.

and then at the end of the coin giveaway period, if they decide spe is a better site, if they like what’s different that they’ve been experiencing, they stay. it’s a genius model for exactly what that site needs right now in exactly this situation, and you’ve got goofy over there as a founder who’s a genius with exactly this type of thing, this crypto stuff, coding it, whatever. it’s a tremendous missed opportunity, not doing a coin. one of the all-time biggest missed opportunities, ever. i’d say.


UP is one of the best arguments for fascism on the internet. Never before has “what if we just rounded up and shot all the troublemakers and then ruled by decree” seemed like such a sensible idea.


Ye ye, you’re the model of maturity. Such a big boy with all his alternate facts!

You keep pushing that the vote for meb was a community-wide endorsement of his intentions, including perm-banning you. If you feel strongly that this should be honored, you could always request the perm-ban on principle.


Meb never specifically claimed he would be permabanning me. He argued that some posters needed to be banned in order to move forward. Jal thought it would be me. It wasn’t. It was him (and churchill) Oops.

What’s actually alternative facts is your “the community voted against permabans” bullshit.

I’ve gone through this before. I’d elect three moderators on like 6-month terms, give them all power to ban whoever they want for any reason, and have them decide on controversial decisions by majority vote. Then I’d ban anyone who complains about moderation.


Nah, it was public knowledge posted here that meb had posted your name specifically when talking about it on the discord. I mean that “leak” was why golfball had the discord purge done–sorry Trolly!

Re-elections possible? I ask because a nefarious mod could ban opponents and non-supporters prior to re-election.

You don’t know what public knowledge is. We don’t all have access to the PMs and forums you do.

Besides, I still voted for meb. Weird huh?

Sure I do. It was literally posted here in an open thread. And yes, that would be weird if you didn’t know he was actually not going to ban anyone from your team. That was my original point–you knew.

Yeah I can see that, like, the democracy part makes everybody feel responsible whether they asked for that responsibility or not.

Three (?) years of foreplay and somehow I feel so unsatisfied.

So you’re positing that meb and I, who have not particularly gotten along great going back to like 2015 SE 2+2, colluded together to play a long con that involved dropping hints in a discord that I’ve never participated in and having me vote for meb despite the election not being close? Oh and have a fair number of people on my side voting against him?

With zero evidence whatsoever to back that up?

That’s fucking fantastic. I want credit for that. What was it like getting pwned that hard? I want to know.