META: About Unstuck splintering into SPE

For those who are the new site why not simply refuse to continue the fight? Just don’t reply to anything. It’s not fair to do all the substance posting there and use this place for only poo flinging.


I think in a week or two very few people will be posting on both UP and SPE. Why would you? The Soulmans of the world that just CANNOT STAND to post in the same place as the people he hates will post there. Others will stay here. There isn’t really enough water cooler chat to keep both places bumping.

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I’ll be posting at whichever place has the least fighting about modding and personal grudges.


GL over at SPE then. It’s been nice chatting with you over the years.

You really think people would do that, post all of their content on one site and come to UP just to fling poo? That would be pretty fucked up and almost like proof they’re trying to destroy this place.


Which is exactly what they falsely accused captains of doing. Something about projection…

Agree. It’s a bummer it’s come to this as I like most of the “captains”. I think a few really hurt your cause but that’s water under the bridge. I am on record that both sides acted very badly.

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You mean you’re going to avoid NBZ’s poker posts? :grinning:

That’s kind of a cheap shot when goofy and jman aren’t here to defend themselves.

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I cannot stand idiots dragging an entire forum down with horrible posting that pollutes everything to the point that ignoring them doesn’t help enough. Shouldn’t be hard to understand.

You’ve got an anti-captain site now, why would you want to stay here posting with them?


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I don’t mind e-fighting a little! No worries though.

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Mat* was right to guest you on 2+2.

Whoopsy daisy, I was confusing Mason being a dick to catface when he asked to be invited to the next iteration of 2+2 pol when Mason was threatening to shut it down.

Nice call back. Do you remember why he did it?

eta: it was Mat tho.

etaa: oh damn you didn’t remember. Just lumping people together again.

FWIW, I think it’s fine if they want to discuss things here in whichever appropriate thread. I don’t even think those threads should be throttled or renamed with insulting titles or that they should be silenced and banned exponentially.

Wait which new site are we talking about?

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Lol this was also what my read on it was.

AQ already left instructions for how to reach him if anyone’s worried they won’t be able to stay in touch because I guess UP will be dead 12 days from now when his ban expires.