Magic: The Gathering or MTG or MTGA aka MTG Arena

lolsamplesize and obviously need a lot of wild cards for lands or whatever but crushing Omnath in bo1 pretty hard.

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still planning to do this but last weekend was a bit wild with trump pozzing and such.

Also working my way up gold with this deck now that i stole from crokeyz.

Historic Deaths shadowish kinda deck. I could probably climb to plat with my burn deck too but this is alot more interesting to play game after game.

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also have fully built arcanist radkos in historic but haven’t played it as much.

5-10 wildcards away from a bunch of rakdos/grixis variants in standard.

I built monored aggro in standard and i see plenty of things showing it has good winrates but everytime i play that deck it just feels like ass and i lose. Its not fast, no card advantage, just sucks.

YO I’m going to start streaming on the twitch. Probably equal mix MtgA and poker. Come berate me in chat.


That was pretty cool! Thanks to Wireless for tuning in. Link to first match

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Ha yea I saw that, saying likely ban announcement coming Monday, they need to ban omnath and clover honestly, adventures is stupid enough advantage as they are, with clover on the table it’s ridiculous

Omnah banned, clover banned, escape to the wilds banned


omnath suspended, teferi, time raveler banned, wilderness reclamation banned, burning-tree emissary unbanned

lets goooooo

Hm I have a bunch of cards and even boosters/tickets from MTGO…I haven’t followed anything in the last 4-5 years. Is it still possible to sell an entire MTGO account to dealers?

I haven’t played on MTGO in a few years but yea i would guess its still the same.

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i forgot they give you wildcards if you own the banned cards, i didnt have a lot but i had 4 of the rares, YAY

got into plat playing Rakdos midrange in standard, didn’t realize until recently you get 2 points for win and 1 loss through gold, makes it easy to climb.

Also didn’t realize until recently that you can’t drop from plat to gold etc

Yeah I’m terrible and I pretty much always make mythic. Did it with a home brew this month

Hard to overstate how good the modal lands are imo

yea im slowly trying to collect them, sucks that every deck you need those to complete the manabase.

I’ve seen alot of people on twitch playing GB now since the last set of bans

Into the Story is BUSTED

I just downloaded MTG Arena. What are my first steps? I guess play the tutorial and challenges for points? Do I need to buy some decks or can I earn cards?


Do you have experience with Magic/other card games?

Yeah I played MTG paper back in college with friends, and I have played Hearthstone.