Louis Cyphre's Walrus

Walrus submission complete. Self-assessment: I don’t know enough music to have entered this contest. Only feel like my first two have a chance, the rest are wtf or dumb or just ??

I thought stuff was still being debated. Are we submitting one at a time or all categories? Is it the 6 or 7?

I put all of mine in one message :woman_shrugging:

I did category 7, just in case.

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same here. my play is to deny I even submitted


With these categories it was pretty different. I like some of the songs I submitted quite a bit, but it’s definitely not a list of my favorite songs.

i went back and forth with my category 2 song. which means category 7 was an easy choice.

Submitted. Had fun choosing what to leave out. Not sure about my story submission, not a traditional story but reckon it should count.

First category ended up influencing a load of my selections though.

We are at 15 participants now and I will close sign ups for anyone but hokie, Master3004 and WesleyC who get grandfathered in if they still want to play.

If your name is bolded I have at least received a partial list from you.


My list was complete, LC. Just looked again at the DM.

Yes, most of the bolded names have submitted complete lists.

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Just sent completed list, bar no 7.

I still don’t understand what a road trip song is. Google was no help.

A song you would listen to when going for a long (possibly cross-country) drive.

All sent

When I go for a long drive I just listen to the music I normally listen to? Is that not how you guys do it? Internet listicles seem to think it’s songs about cars and driving which seems dumb to me. I don’t listen to songs about exercise when I’m working out.

Any chance I could still get in on this if I take on scorekeeper duties to offset the extra time? If that wouldn’t be helpful to you then no worries, you already have a pretty long list to deal with here so I will just follow along and not participate.

Sure, in a way. Maybe think of a song that might get you in the mood for the journey, maybe even excited about reaching your destination, or something that would be a fitting soundtrack for driving down a long, straight road, or a song you might sing a long with your buddies to pass the time, or … something else.
There aren’t wrong answers per se.

I am sorry. Unfortunately 15 people are plenty and I am afraid if there are any more I can’t do the reveals without significant delays. I am afraid 15 is already stretching it.

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I spent the time on my submission, so I submitted it. It’s not particularly interesting or inspiring, so don’t feel bad leaving it out. C’est la vie.

Totally reasonable! Look forward to following along regardless.