Louis Cyphre's Walrus

I’ll be in, will start putting an entry together tonight


No quid pro quo!


Would recommend the smaller number of categories because you will get serious listening fatigue. I have some ideas for how I’d change the scoring but you do you imo.

I am all [quote=“Lawnmower_Man, post:25, topic:556”]
Would recommend the smaller number of categories because you will get serious listening fatigue.

I might cut it down to six. Not sure yet.

I’m all ears.


In it to wing it

I don’t really have it fleshed out yet but was gonna run it with nonlinear scoring. Like only points awarded for gold/silver/bronze and certain bonuses or multipliers for things like being an artist/song I’m unfamiliar with, being under 5 minutes, etc. Maybe award a negative point for worst in category for the lulz.

My theory here is that the middle is pretty crunched just due to how taste preferences work. If you try to rank order 15 things, there will probably be a few entries you feel strongly about (either positively or negatively) and then a bunch in the middle that aren’t differentiable. Precisely ordering things you don’t feel strongly about is tedious and exhausting.

No sarcasm at all here. I think this earns you next walrus.

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Yeah I like 10 6 3 1 and -1 -3 -6 -10 - and everyone else gets zero.

Like poker tourney payouts. Except for the negative part.

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Don’t mind changing the scoring, but I’d imagine that each song gets its own post and a few words is why the game is enjoyable for all participants. If the majority got passed over as irrelevant each round not sure it would be as good.


<3 to previous 3 posts. This is LC’s thread and he can do it however he wants. I’m just spitballing and trying to find the bugs so it works when I actually run one. Here’s where I’m at:

Fake example: The category is TV show themes. I receive 15 entries. I choose my (a) 3 favorite songs and (b) my least favorite song. I put my favorites in the order I prefer them straight up without considering things like popularity or uniqueness (the bonus will take care of that). Scoring rubric is as follows:

Gold: 5
Silver: 3
Bronze: 2
Pitchfork: -1

Bonus for Podium
Unfamiliar artist/song: 2x multiplier (pitchfork n/a)
Over 6 minutes: -1 (pitchfork only)

Penalties for Non-Podium
Over 6 minutes: -1

THE REVEAL looks like this:

[11 entries receiving mention + links and a write-up if you wish, but no score other than time penalty]


(Notice there’s a sweat here for the pitchfork victim too who may begin to foolishly believe (s)he has selected one of the GOAT songs for the category!)

Gold: Bones (5)
Silver: BoJack Horseman (3*2 = 6)
Bronze: Twin Peaks (2)
Pitchfork: Cheers (-1) (Seriously, fuck that song)

As constructed, a silver/bronze medal could potentially outscore a gold/silver medal, respectively, by being new/unknown to the walrus. A gold medal with the multiplier is a big score. Lots of different ways the scoring could be tweaked. If nothing else, I love the idea of holding out the worst song to reveal with the podium to crush one person’s dreams.

Good post*, except for robbing Ski Sunday of its rightful victory.

(* Louis should do what he likes, though, obvs)

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I think I agree with your point that precisely ranking the middling tracks might be difficult. I am hesitant though to radically change the scoring system after about half the participants have already submitted their tracks. ChrisV made no secret of how exhausting it can be so I had at least a vague idea what I signed up for and am willing to do it according to the previously used rules. If there is overwhelming support to change the scoring system I‘ll adapt, improvise, overcome.

  • Keep scoring like it was in round 1 (at least for this Walrus)
  • Change scoring as suggested by Lawnmower_Man

0 voters

I voted to keep the LEGACY SCORING for this round. I’ll continue thinking about tweaks that can speed up the contest while limiting walrus fatigue.

This is amazing combined with the images of skiiers wiping out. But now it’s bonus ineligible!

For the youngs

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Did not vote on scoring because I don’t really have a preference.

possibly in