Louis Cyphre's Walrus - Reveal Thread

I also thought about the submitting the Weird Al parody.

This game is awesome. Finding some gems!

Kim was abused again imo


Are you saying the feeling’s gone and you just can’t get it back?

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I know that song. Didn’t know it’s by Gordon Lightfoot.


Too bad this isn’t a literature contest.


Today’s reveal might start a bit later than the previous two rounds.

The playlist for category 2:

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Category 3

A song with an outstanding vocal performance - Originally this was “A song with an angelic voice” but I feel this is unnecessarily biases this category toward female singers and is narrower than I have in mind. More accurate description is a song that is really carried by the singer.


Alexa, give me 15 synonyms for ‘great voice’

Everyone gets at least a passing grade. We get a wide range of artists and songs. This includes a bunch of very capable singers performing songs that do not really speak to me. Not quite what I hoped for but we’ll finish strongly.

My own submission is probably not one that has a chance to score highly with others. Screw it. I’m resting on my laurels. It’s a great song, I love it and Tatiana Shmailyuk’s voice is extraordinary.

More in about an hour.


Looking forward to this one. My submission is fairly boring and obvious because I couldn’t really think of anything else. I considered this, but I’m not sure you can say the singer carries the song, because the original is a great song too.


Lettuce commence. I’m shipping this one fo shizzle. Good luck for second place to everyone else.

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What odds will you lay me?

Tier 1: Crows and Ravens

In 16th place, scoring 1 points, @NotBruceZ with Fly Me To The Moon by Tony Bennett

I can enjoy the legends like Tony Bennett or Frank Sinatra as much as the next guy. I am fully aware this is a live recording but I can’t help but wonder if he is past his prime. His voice sounds strained which put Mr. Bennett in danger of exiting stage left with one measly point. After some back and forth if would rather listen to bad Tony Bennett with an interesting song or better singers with non-descript songs. I suppose it’s too late for a spoiler alert.

Oh Man, I feel a wil26486 (or whatever his name was) moment coming on

In 15th place, scoring 2 points, @Pauwl with I Think I Knew by Cate Le Bon (Ft. Perfume Genius)

In a category full of vocal titans these two singers do very little to distinguish themselves. There just isn’t much there.

What makes this particular recording interesting to me is that he goes really old school and sings this without a microphone in his hand.

I can see what he is trying to do but I think he misses the mark.

In 14th place, scoring 3 points, @JohnnyTruant with Poetry Man by Phoebe Snow

Another example of background music. Utterly forgettable despite the certainly gReAt VoIcE. Disclaimer: I did not judge its literary or poetic value. Here’s a picture of a baby walrus to soothe you:


Even Baby Walruses look like Andy Reid.

Fun fact - my buddy who lives in KC but really only pays attention to the Chiefs named his kid Andrew Reed [last name] about 6 months before Andy Reid became the Chiefs head coach. He’d never heard of Andy Reid before.

So now everyone thinks he’s a psychotic Chiefs fan - with maybe a weirdo fetish for Andy Reid. His kid is just getting old enough for the teasing to start. Kid is super sensitive too. Should be a blast for him.