Long and Tedious Path to the Truth

so no one is working today huh?


Itā€™s not like it has no basis, if any other user followed up a flag with a note to the mods saying

Jman was doing his patented ā€œtake a bunch of shots and then delete after a few minutes trickā€ as well. And BTW, moderating Jals avatars while leaving Jmanā€™s original troll avatar is some real bullshit. Start cleaning this shit up or deal with a bunch more derails. Or put me up for perm ban vote.

Iā€™d assume they were just trying to get in digs, too.

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What if you and jman decided to ignore each other for a while?

I guess comprehension isnā€™t your strong point. My entire fucking point was that his bullshit should be moderated and if it wasnā€™t shit like whatā€™s happening now was sure to happen. Iā€™m going to keep calling it out, and the only way your going to stop that is by perm banning me.

I had you pegged to the T when I explained why I voted no on your mod vote.


Itā€™s also complete bullshit. I assume mods can read deleted posts? Like 90 percent of the time itā€™s because I post something and then think better of it, but hte post is generally nothing to do with any kind of personal attack, itā€™s just because I realize the post wasnā€™t good. Basically every time I delete a post itā€™s followed up by a snarky Jbro post. Itā€™s almost entertaining.

Another lie.

Lol, I canā€™t remember the last time I got into a conversation with Jbro about anything other than him jumping in with some random attack on me. I have no problem ignoring him now and forever.

I mean, weā€™re reaching a point where this isnā€™t constructive and weā€™re going to have to agree to disagree. I think that Churchillā€™s posting especially vis a vis the vaccines and variants was at least discouraging people from getting vaccinated, if it wasnā€™t actual anti-vax shit outright. You will clearly never agree with me and here we are.

I also think that Freziā€™s posting in early 2020 minimizing Covid was really fucking dangerous, but again, weā€™re clearly never going to agree about that.

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever said @anon10396289ā€™s posting was dangerous. Again, you are lumping me in with others. I took Keeed at his word in that latest exchange and explicitly posted that I didnā€™t think he was anti-vax.

Gonna be that guy but I donā€™t think the modding is bad here.

I honestly donā€™t have any problems with it.


Tucker Carlson is double vaxxed and Iā€™m sure boostered. Is he anti-vax?

do you think that what caused over a dozen community members to either leave, post less or post mostly about this subject is because this forum isnā€™t leftist enough?

even if you exclude jal (which is silly to me, cause in my very untrained eye itā€™s obvious that he is genuinely hurt by the way he was treated in numerous occasions and heā€™s not faking it. if anything he might be pretending it doesnā€™t faze him when it pretty clearly did), what about all the rest?

Youā€™re proving the point exactly. You realize that, right?

because those dozen people are lumped together in not thinking the very few people have ā€œtrolled the forum for funā€.

that by itself should be a reason for us to at least reconsider this position.

like at the very least we should have some discussion as to why those dozen+ (i didnā€™t count exactly) have left without calling it gaslighting.

Is this a festivus thread?


Almost everyone who has left has given a reason why.

I could use some help with playing poker.

Iā€™m rarely serious.

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iā€™m a little confused as to how to interpret the last few posts. feels like there should be some actions done on our part based on those answers but it appears for reasons i donā€™t understand that all 3 of you who replied feel differently.

Donā€™t be silly. First of all, no aluminum pole has been put up yet and secondly Festivus is on the 23rd.

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The fact that you think thereā€™s no action possible on people feeling unwelcomed in a community is truly sad to me, on many levels.

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