Long and Tedious Path to the Truth

He literally said he was trolling because he knew his ghandi act was pissing people off. That is because it was obvious it was in bad faith. You have to be playing a part here at this point if you expect me to believe you didn’t see that.

Haven’t read any of this thread, but if we go one more day without permabanning for use of the phrase “social media brain” then all the mods gotta go.


There’s nothing wrong with posting nicely with the aim of pissing people off. It’s the people getting mad at the nice posting who are reacting inappropriately, not the person posting nicely. He’s simply posting nicely! This is some bizarre precrime/thoughtcrime shit.

This post is only the 7th one I can find on here using that term, it clearly bothers people though so maybe @iron81 can retire its usage.

Ah yes, how dare I describe a part of town where a combination of de facto and de jure racism on behalf of private and public entities has resulted in a concentrated, poor, minority population a “ghetto.”

One of the mods called him out on that and he retracted the comment IIRC.

This is bullshit. The difference between me, and someone like Churchill or Jalfrezi, is that when I make a shit post and it gets pointed out to me, I use some fucking introspection and admit that I was wrong. The post you are referring to I deleted almost immediately admitting I was wrong. When has Frezi or Churchill ever, ever admitted they were wrong about anything? Come on, try harder.

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But muh ™ rights!


Scratching my head but I can’t remember being wrong ITT. Remember, most of my posts are quotes without comment.

Why dredge this up again? Or how about, what would it take for you to let this bit of drama go? An apology?

No, it was not. I’m not allowed to relitigate this, but the fact that some poster used that term and nothing elsewas not the basis for that.


I mean, when someone literally writes “I am trolling” I take them at their word.

Also bullshit, but you’re just trying to bait me into something that you know I’m not allowed to post about. ‘A’ for effort though.

Thanks for proving my point.

Because Jman is lying and it was the easiest example I could use to point it out?

You are just taking my shit way out of context or willfully misrepresenting it. I fucking agreed with you about mask mandates when they were being dropped. I was one of the few who did. Try harder. I was also one of the only ones on this entire forum warning everyone of the dangers of Covid in January and February of 2020 when frezi was whatabouting the fucking flu and malaria. It was basically me and Cuse. That is the fucking origin of all of this, so don’t call me a covid minimizer.

This is a lie, but my example was moved to the old drama thread. Even though half the posts in this thread are about old drama and haven’t been moved. Guess Jman is off limits for criticism. No mod bias though lol.

Jesus Christ, I have like the third most bans here after Frezi and Churchill. This is lolstupid.

The other posts about old drama at least seemed like an attempt to have some form of conversation, whereas yours seemed like it was yet another way for you to get in your digs at jman. Maybe he’ll delete one of his posts in this thread so you can tell us what you call that.


You’ve continued to troll consistently for months with zero moderation while anybody engaging with you has had their posts moved and/or caught bans. Stop lying.

This thread was a mistake.


Shocked that you feel that way. (That is sarcasm)

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No, you are misremembering. I never was in favor of taking down the mask mandates. I agreed with you. I also thought at the time and posted that the vax meant you weren’t a danger to others, and I admitted I was wrong about that. But, taking you at your word that you are misremembering in good faith, go back and actually look at my posts to you back in May/June of 21. They were all me agreeing with you that mask mandates should remain in place. You are lumping me in with others.