Long and Tedious Path to the Truth

No idea what you meant here.

Heā€™s posted multiple times today without getting attacked or banned.

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So why did you say there are no actions possible? You just stated 3 actions we can all take.

People just need to have more tolerance for being unliked and disrespected.

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This deleted post was not a personal attack.

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this is bullshit.


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plz knock it off with that.

Thereā€™s nothing to knock off. I legitimately deleted a stupid post that upon further review was not funny. Believe what you want. Maybe change the software so that I can delete a post without leaving a stupid ā€œthis post has been deletedā€ notification behind since that apparently rustles so many Jimmieā€™s.

Maybe you should just leave stupid posts up so that you can be ridiculed and the community can try to discourage you from making bad posts in the first place.

It does feel like you decided to start posting deletion notes to troll Jbro, since you seem to think he reacts to everything you post. Maybe Jbro should be a mod so he has the power to read your deleted posts.

My perception is that people piling onto Churchill is often started by him failing to source his information. Whether he doesnā€™t cite out of laziness or because he knows it annoys certain posters, I donā€™t know, but half the Churchill-centric drama would disappear if he had better posting habits.

That is not why I called Keeed an antivaxxer. I think heā€™s an antivaxxer because heā€™s grossly overstating the risks associated with getting a shot. I also think itā€™s prudent to seek out extra protection even in the case that you have 2 shots and a prior infection.

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What the hell are you talking about? I said the risk of the booster was very low.

lol, thatā€™s an incredible and deliberate misrepresentation of what you actually said.

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Go on, show where I dramatically overstated the risks associated with getting a shot.


Iā€™m not getting the booster because I think that someone in my exact situation (vaccinated with breakthrough infection four months ago) has a miniscule covid risk and that getting a booster probably doesnā€™t lower that risk all that much and has nonzero risks itself.

Right now, the current risk to someone boosted are enormous compared to the risks of getting a booster (especially given that someone getting a booster would not have had an allergic reaction to the prior shots), and generally weā€™ve seen that the shots are more protective than past infections. Even when we considered 2 shots sufficient, the consistent advice from all experts has been for the previously infected to get two shots.

Sometimes, it feels like heā€™s desperate to catch certain posters in some sort of ā€œgotchaā€, as if that would justify the entirety of his posting history.

I also said before that post

I said that my risk from a covid booster is ā€œminiscule,ā€ which is, Iā€™m sure, something you would agree with. How in the world is that vastly overstating the risk of the booster? And Iā€™m saying that my risk of covid is also miniscule exactly because Iā€™m pro vaccine and think that both the double vaxxed and breakthrough infected and the double vaxxed and boosted have extremely strong protections from serious covid. Thatā€™s a pro-vaccine position, obviously!

Heā€™s dug himself in a hole and has to do a lot of work to undo the reputation that he has earned.

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