Long and Tedious Path to the Truth

Wookie called me an antivaxxer in this thread. I can only defend myself against this slander once, when he first does it? Otherwise I’m relitigating? I think if someone is lying about me I have the right to defend myself. The first time, the second time, every time.

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It’s almost intolerable and the community may be at risk of dying. Put some respect on that.

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If it truly is intolerable and “the community may be at risk of dying”, because of it, it’s the softest community of all time.

If it was also that serious there’d be some sort of good faith effort to make improvement or moving on, instead it’s just more bullshit to extend the drama.

You’ve really got to brush up on your ancient history if you want to keep up.

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Systematically abusing mods can end a forum.

SK getting mad over someone calling him unvaxxed almost certainly will not

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Gee, I dunno if this has a limit, but I sure hope it diverges.

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Yes I think you should ignore it and not wage unwinable war against your imaginary(or maybe real who gives a shit) foes.

The fact that hasn’t occured to you is odd tbh. It’s also odd that for someone who bleets endlessly about how your enemies don’t actually read your posts you are here still making the points you are.

I was called an antivaxxer, not unvaxxed. Although both are obviously false.

Loled at what I’m up against. Basically the definition of projection.

To put it bluntly come back and post without every other post having to bring up the petty bs. I welcome you here with open arms as well as everyone else. I might even start regularly posting here again if it happens.

If someone tries to silence you for it i will be someone to stand up for it.

honestly, it would be a lot easier if people just wrote “Okay, let’s not call him antivaxxer, that’s not nice or true and he doesn’t like it”.

you can even remove the last 10 words.

really way easier response.


The fact that you think that would fix anything is pretty damn funny. It won’t.

Here’s the thing JT. You are one of the most respected people here. You could literally be the solution here. But you won’t even try. In fact throwing gasoline on everything for months seems more your style. Why?

Your argument is that i have been tolerant of bad modding or whatever and that is all good and fine. I have listened and would listen to you on that. But let’s not pretend like anyone on your side wants reconcilliation. Quite the opposite and it insults me that it isn’t obvious to you that I could see that.

I have wanted a path to fixing all this since the summer and still do but that requires people to not hate each other. I don’t see that as possible here anymore.

This. The whole thing seems like a rather silly semantic argument and it’s just going to further inflame the tensions in the room. Is it really worth arguing over?

it doesn’t have to fix anything.

the fact that you think any other response is acceptable is pretty damn sad to me.

gmafb. People are going to disagree sometimes. SK being called an antivaxxer while he was saying stupid shit about vaccines is nothing compared to what I and just about everyone here has been called at some point or another.

Furthermore, he’s fine. He’s bored. He’s stirring up drama and you’re enabling the bullshit.

Oh shit JT, you know what would have happened if they weren’t?

At most, I would have said that’s fucked up/stupid/wrong or whatever. I wouldn’t have used that to push off a 400 post thread about my butthurt because I’m an adult. I suggest y’all start acting like one. I won’t be indulging this idiocy further.



Right, and of course they have agency, but their objectively false and destructive views are almost entirely self destructive. At this point, the negative impact of the unvaccinated to larger society is greatly overblown, that’s one of my main points. Vaccinating 90+% of the population isn’t going to stop covid. New York City is reaching all time case highs. Would having NYC’s vaccination rate nationwide stop these waves and variants? Seems very unlikely to me. So I don’t see the need to make this into a morality play. They’re not drunk drivers rampaging around, they’re closer to driving around without seat belts. That’s obviously not entirely accurate as they do effect others, but as I said that effect seems minor at the moment. And then to further complicate things they actually think that their seat belts will strangle them. A false belief, and one that you’re correct that they have agency in because they sat down to listen to whoever those people listen to or watch, but a sincerely held one.

So I don’t have to hate them, which is good because I don’t. But I also still do have sympathy for them even though they, as you point out, have agency in how they came to believe what they believe. People who join a cult and destroy their lives have agency too, and and I have sympathy for their choices and beliefs in the same way.

Upon reading the two threads, it’s my conclusion that we have two groups of people with fundamentally irreconcilable differences about what they want the forum to be and how they want to be treated or treat others, and that there’s no point in trying to keep the two together. I’ve seen this kind of thing before. No point in staying together for the kids.

While I have further thoughts, I am afraid that sharing them would embed me in this more than I want to be.

(that wasn’t supposed to be a direct reply, but I don’t know how to fix that)