Long and Tedious Path to the Truth

But what if he’s pro-two vaccines but anti-three vaccines?

I’m not against the booster.

You don’t get it and based on your responses to me never have.

The whole EVERYONE GETS IT thing is personally insulting and obviously untrue as none of the last year of childish whining wouldn’t exist if everyone actually got my point. Oh ya and also the part that not everyone agrees that this is a terrible place for people to express slightly non-heterodox views.


Elon Musk is also a Juggalo.[61]

the weirdest thing you’ve seen on the internet is a guy who says he’s not an anti vaxxer and showcases it pretty effectively and asks for others in a community to not call him one, as he isn’t?

that is a genuine post?

how is it not easier to just post “okay dude, i see it offends you, i’ll stop”?

and if your (extremely bad) reply will be “this is like racists don’t wanna be called racists” then we should ban keeed, just as we banned other blatantly racists people here before.

god i can’t imagine how some of you click reply on these texts.


You don’t get it imo. Neither “side” here is “right”. Grow the fuck up and learn to share a space with people you don’t always agree with. That applies to everyone.

My problem lies with causing drama/fighting just for the sake of doing it. Having arguments over worthwhile topics is good and partially why we are all here.

Ftr keed mostly does the latter. Jal mostly does the former in case you needed some examples. Like I’ve talked about the need to be nicer to church in the mod thread and have talked about how the trolling needs to stop. I don’t think i am picking sides here.

Where have the fucking grudges got us all? It’s time to move on.


Who brought up a grudge in this thread, you or me?

Is everything okay?



This entire 370 post abomination is you and the usual proxies relitigating your sad about being called an anti-vaxxer.

I think we can all take a little break for a bit. This is largely non-constructive


Everything is a stretch. Some stuff are better than others. Thanks for your interest.

I just saw you posted something really stupid and explained to you why it is stupid. I hope you understand how stupid it was now and will not post something as stupid again. Have a great day!

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I guess I’m confused why you’ve decided to become such a dick to me of late. Don’t remember pissing in your Cheerios lately.

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Pushing back against Wookie calling me an antivaxxer isn’t a grudge. He called me an antivaxxer in this thread, which is when I brought up the fact that that’s a fucken lie and I’m not an antivaxxer. But the second you dropped in here you brought up the old captains grudge, so don’t act like you’re above it all.

By saying if you weren’t here for grudges what was up with your avatar? Lol ok man. I haven’t stirred really any shit here since the summer but you got me. I have a huge grudge against you.

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I’m not a big fan of this gaslighting thing you’re doing.

I didn’t say that you have a grudge against me, I said that you brought up the old captain’s grudge when it didn’t have anything to do with what we’re talking about. I haven’t stirred up any shit since this summer either, unless you think posting a slightly heterodox view in the covid thread is stirring up shit and if that’s true just my existence is provocation enough and you guys should just ban me. Like I said, decide what sort of forum you want.

I did apologize for that, FWIW.

I actually didn’t bring up the pm thread? I also haven’t spent the last 6 months whining about it and trying to relitigate it? Quite the opposite. And the whole captains avatar thing is a petty grievance and you know it. That’s kind of my entire point, being a grownup requires us to look past wrongs of the past, whether real or perceived, and move on so that we can function in our lives.

Somehow you seem to have a viewpoint that if we just relitigate the time you were right and we were wrong about masks or the time a couple people called keeed an anit-vaxxer when he said he wasnt getting a booster that we get anywhere desirable. Not much of a spoiler but we don’t.