Long and Tedious Path to the Truth

I thought I explained it in the previous post

You were wrong about Rugby being unbiased (at least by your standards) but 2 out of 3 ainā€™t bad.

While the details are different (Iā€™ve never been punched in the face), Iā€™ve had similar things happen to me. I have friends and colleagues whoā€™ve had far worse happen. Iā€™ve had numerous nurses quit. My residency class that were senior residents during the NYC peak all are working because they have to, but older docs are quitting in massive numbers too.

While the details canā€™t be confirmed, it rings true from my experiences.

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This is exactly what is happening with him. Itā€™s always going to be just a little bit different from what he said and he wonā€™t ever fucking admit he was wrong. Iā€™ve certainly been guilty of doing this, but ffs itā€™s not that hard to just ignore his bleating and move on.

The person who posted it to Reddit also has a post history of doctor type stuff so unless it was a long con roleplay thing building up to that post it seems legit.

I never claimed by to be a fucking victim. I just said that Iā€™m not an anti vaxxer and defended myself against that claim. If wookie stops arguing for that position Iā€™ll stop defending against that.

Sure various aspects ring true, but the story in itā€™s entirety seems a little too convenient. I would have no doubt believing it though if it was attributable to an actual person rather than an anonymous account.

Itā€™s more than some details. The thought process, the words used to describe the situation, and more scream ā€œIā€™m a doctorā€ to me. Iā€™ve had lots of friends with similar experiences (no punches to the face), it just fits.

Shit dude, Iā€™ve had that kind of thing happen. Thankfully I didnā€™t get assaulted, but yelled at harshly about Covid nonsense? Yup 100%

Itā€™s hard not to think that you and others definitely see yourselves of victims of mods and the supposed in-crowd here. Come on man that is basically your central thesis unless I am totally daft.

I personally donā€™t think it rings true so if you donā€™t either I am glad we agree.


I think that a group of people here take various actions that seem tailored to narrow the scope of acceptable debate on certain topics to a thin sliver. These tactics range from saying a certain tangent is ruining a thread (formerly AIDSing), to accusations of trolling, publicly encouraging others to ignore, and I guess calling people antivaxxers. Was I a frequent target of this? I think you can answer that. Maybe you think those acceptable viewpoint sculpting tactics are appropriate and lead to a good forum. Which, fine. And you actually described exactly this upthread:

Everyone reacting with vitriol towards a slightly ā€“ slightly ā€“ heterodox take is exactly what weā€™re both describing here. Of course I am thick skinned enough to not describe myself or think of myself as a victim in this context but I donā€™t think it makes for a good discussion forum and it seems to be getting worse. But if thatā€™s what you guys want, well, fine.


The struggle youā€™ve faced is truly harrowing, and I hope you get through it.

What specifically do you think I was wrong about in the booster discussion?

What struggle? Iā€™m talking about what I think makes a good forum and a bad forum. You guys are the ones who are insisting that itā€™s personal to me. Wichita brought this up, not me.

Oh donā€™t for one second think Iā€™m going to rehash anything with you keeed. I just hope that you can move on from the awful treatment youā€™ve suffered.

Of course I donā€™t think youā€™re going to rehash anything. You never hash anything originally, how can you rehash?

This may be one of the weirdest things to argue about on the internet that Iā€™ve seen. Not sure how you decide who has the correct definition of a completely non-standard word. Itā€™s like arguing if Yuv is a Juggalo or not. Sure he likes a couple of ICP songs, but is that enough to qualify? Maybe heā€™s Juggalo-adjacent?

Whoever renamed this thread really missed the mark by not naming it the ā€œBickering about new drama while bored in lockdownā€ thread.


I agree it is extremely weird to argue that I, a strong proponent of the vaccines, am an antivaxxer.

A juggalo (feminine juggalette , or juggala in Spanish)[1]

This got me thinking if Juggalx ought to be a thing.