Long and Tedious Path to the Truth

I personally don’t care if you keep on Keeeding here. I’ve never once really even engaged in you with it and have definitely never called for any discipline to you or your account so how about fuck off with this? I actually agree with some of your takes tbh. I’m not complaining about anything besides the constant need to relitigate the wrongs you feel have happened to you.

You are better off getting a booster when eligible than not. That’s based on all known evidence. That is the reason people here think you are anti-vaxx. Because you claim you aren’t for getting a booster in your situation. Or that the difference is negligible when it isn’t.

Like I truly don’t GAF what you do wrt vaccines. But people bristled at you espousing what you did and that should be understandable.

I was called an anti vaxxer in this thread, I’m not relitigating any past wrong.

Change your avatar and then I will believe you.

@JohnnyTruant I mean it seems obvious you at worst are breakeven having 3shots+infection vs. 3shots+no infection? Hard to imagine you would do worse on average. Like maybe 2 shots+infection is better/the same than 3shots+no infection but there is absolutely no scientific evidence for it and proactively spouting it here isn’t based on science either.

Right, I’m the one relitigating old grievances itt…

I mean you have spent 10,000 words talking about how jman has been mean to you or how the forum thinks you are anti-vaxx but sure, you aren’t.


The only thing that I said about jman was that he and I had a nice conversation with him that JT and others should drop whatever disagreements we had. Jman wasn’t mean to me and I don’t think I ever said that.


fuck off

I’ve recently had posts moved or deleted for referring to posting an attack and then deleting it within a couple of minutes as “the Jman special”, but sure, engage in the same exact behavior as others are moderated for. You are what I thought you were.


Jfc take a joke guys. Ive now shaken off two people telling me to fuck off in consecutive days, but a light rib sets your panties on fire?

Take a step back and calm down.

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I’m just going to say interacting with the perma-grievance crew that continues to come back here and troll endlessly with a chip on the shoulder has really negatively affected my experience here to the point where I basically never interact anymore. I regret interacting this time. If you think you and jal and keed are all victims of people like me then that’s really sad.

You guys are never going to let this go and that’s fine. I mean i wish it would stop but that isn’t realistic at the point you have formed an outside place to keep the toxic feelings going towards the rest of us. Wasting mental energy debating the nuance behind this bullshit isn’t healthy for anyone and I appreciate the help making me realize it.


Nah, he hasn’t. That’s others ITT.

Your kneejeking response here doesn’t even make slight logical sense.

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Thanks for introducing me to NFTs!

What’s not funny about “The Jman Special”? Even Jman likes it.

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No idea. Pretty sure I didnt moderate that

You’re welcome. I wish that would have been enough to not assume i’m trolling, but i guess you’re not THAT thankful

Nah I am thankful man. I mean it. Not sure why you would assume otherwise.