Long and Tedious Path to the Truth

What stupid shit did I say about vaccines?

Not for nothing, but I spoke with Keed about this via PM and he rightfully pointed out that it was shitty and I apologized.

Heading into the Holiday season, it might do a lot of us some good to reflect on why there is a lot of hate here, how each of our individual actions have contributed to that, and possibly work towards making amends to those who feel most slighted.

We can agree with each other. We can disagree with each other. And all of that can be ok. There does not need to be sides that one feels they have to take in most instances.

Iā€™m sorry again Keed. What I meant as a bit of a joke, I realize was shitty to you. I can do better.

We all can. Lets do it.

I know this is way more hippy dippy than my ā€œIll ban anyone at the drop of a hatā€ rhetoric, but I like you all. Seriously. Feelings get hurt and shit gets said that can be hard to take back and move on from, but it is possible. Reach out today to someone youve wronged, regardless of the reason, and apologize.

We all have wronged someone here. I guarantee it. None of us is blameless. The sooner we recognize that the easier it will be to move on.

Happy Holidays to you all.


Thank you. Iā€™m sorry I snapped at you.




Didnā€™t this already happen?

I thought so, but the arguing hasnā€™t ceased.

And I donā€™t think just one group of people is to blame. Reading this thread today I see multiple people posting entirely to antagonize and stir shit toward the people who left or have complaints about how theyā€™ve been treated. Part of what I mean by irreconcilable is that I think quite a few people donā€™t want it to be reconciled-- they want to be able to antagonize the people they deem acceptable targets. So those people asking to be treated better because they want to stay is not going to get through to them at all. And I donā€™t think moderation that takes their concerns seriously is going to change much, because the people who want to attack them are not going to stop viewing them as acceptable targets.


Full stop. This is just obviously wrong on itā€™s face. Itā€™s frankly an insult to the entire health care profession to say so in December 2021. The pandemic is not the fault of the voluntarily unvaccinated but it is a complete fantasy to assert that their behaviors are ā€œalmost entirely self destructiveā€. Youā€™re just making stuff up now.



Merry Xmas ya filthy animals!

Until another six monthsā€¦



I obviously agree that the unvaccinated who get hospitalized impact those treating them in the hospital. Is an ICU nurse or doctor effected by the unvaccinated dying? Sure, but it effects the guy dying in the ICU a hell of a lot more than the vaccinated hospital staff. I think the sensible way to measure harm by a disease to be serious illnesses and deaths. The hospital staff is impacted but arenā€™t likely to end up with those outcomes if theyā€™re vaccinated.

FYI - I still have nightmares about my time in NYC.

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There are also people who are denied treatments for cancer or other diseases because all of the hospital resources are tied up by people who couldnā€™t get a couple of shots.

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How ya been?

I tend to agree even though i wish it it wasnā€™t so.

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Sure, of course. Iā€™m sure a lot of people have died or had important treatment delayed from stuff like this. But the numbers of people dying from not being able to get medical care because people arenā€™t getting vaccinated has to be totally dwarfed by the number of people actually dying from covid because they didnā€™t get the vaccine. Surely youā€™d agree with that, right? That if you were able to somehow magically know the total amount of harm done by people not getting the vaccinations, probably 90% or more of the harm is going to be inflicted on the people not getting vaccinated. Thatā€™s what I mean when I say theyā€™re mostly harming themselves, while acknowledging that not getting vaccinated does impact others.

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Omg gimme a hat!

One group even openly stated this, and said if Wookie was not removed they would all go to a new forum and post there. They started thatā€¦then came back here anyway.

I miss the simpler times of it all being Wookies fault.


Really a whole group said this? Was there a petition? Can you cite the posts where an entire group signed onto this?

Sure, just pointing out there are people who are actually hurt by the unvaccinated in ways other than having COVID transmitted to them or being emotionally harmed.


I canā€™t wear hats, my head is too big. Plus it would be a disservice to deny people my great hair.

scrolls through a hundred posts of uselessness