Long and Tedious Path to the Truth

There is no such study. At most, there is a study showing an antibody response comparable to two shots against delta in those people. Two shots against delta was 75-85% effective against infection.

It’s because the lead into my accusation was stuff like this:

We know immunity fades with time, with a big loss after just 6 months. Feeling immortal 4 months out is, at the very least, foolish.

“My body, my choice,” “I’m not against vaccines, just vaccine mandates,” “Covid is inevitable, why take precautions,” “Don’t judge me,” are all right out of the anti-vaxxer playbook. And then you capped it off by overstating the risk of vaccination by approximately two orders of magnitude. If you’re genuinely not an anti-vaxxer, maybe try not repeating their talking points if you don’t want to be called one?

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I never said anything like this

I never said I’m against vaccine mandates and in fact am not against vaccine mandates.

I never said anything like this, and in fact have taken and do take many precautions against covid.

I did say that people shouldn’t judge others because everyone’s situation is unique and even when people are objectively wrong they aren’t acting with malice.

So I dunno man, I’m not repeating antivaxxer talking points. You’re just fucking making shit up and lying about what I have said. You should stop doing this.

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Really fucking convenient that you left out all the follow up posts between me and him where I clarified that I didn’t think he was anti-vax, that I thought people who were vaccine resistant should be convinced, not demonized, and where I gasp suggested he talk to his doctor further about it, and where I believe I called his position reasonable. Like, you’ve been wrong here at every turn and keep over and over again spouting bullshit. I used to think you were arguing in good faith and just caught up with some of the people who were just trolling, but man this is showing your true colors.

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God i’m glad i almost never go into the covid thread.

If i was mod and that post was really in reply to Keed thinking he might not get the booster i’d ban the shit out of the OP.

So good thing i’m not nominated.

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That’s true, but I replied to that post and we had a good discussion and he ended up saying that he didn’t think I was an anti-vaxxer. So you should give him some credit.

Stop lying. Here’s the pertinent posts (my responses to keeed only because cutting and pasting on an ipad is a pain in the ass):

At no point did I say that all his posting should be questioned. You are literally making bullshit up. I said his point of view was fucking reasonable. Seriously, quit it with this lying.

As to your second point. Yeah, there absolutely are people who posted like anti-vaxxers in that thread and were called out for it by many more than me. But Keeeed wasn’t one of them.

I nominate @Yuv

This is honestly pathetic. You’re doing the same bullshit Churchill did where he cut and pasted screenshots and deliberately left out text. I clarified like 3 posts down that I thought he was vaccine hesitant, not an anti-vaxxer, and that there was a huge difference between good faith vaccine hesitant people and bad faith anti-vaxxed.

Just a coincidence that you did it as a screenshot then instead of a quote to allow someone to easily find it and see the context then, huh? Only a few posts later I clarified I thought he was vaccine hesitant, not anti-vax. There was actually a decent discussion in the thread at that point about why that was an imporant distinction. Even Keeeed has said he took no objection to it, so I’m done with your bullshit.

I do think you are going to be the first person I have ever put on ignore, if I can just figure out how to do it.

@moderators the content of this thread has literally zero to do with improving moderation.

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Your later posts express understanding with keeed and his situation but they never apologize for calling keeed an anti-vaxxer.

There is no post where I call him an anti-vaxxer. It as ambiguous at best and I clarified what I meant with the later posts and by calling him vaccine-hesitant.

I named the thread after splitting it out from the moderator nominations thread, it wasn’t actually started by Johnny Truant or titled by him as such.

You replied to wookie calling him an anti-vaxxer and started the reply with “at least he’s honest about it”

Ok… And hten later clarified that he should be called vaccine hesitant and not an anti-vaxxer. Or a good faith anti-vaxxer.

It is a testament to the high caliber of members here where “anti-vaxxer” is a worse pejorative than being called a liar, a racist, a gaslighter, an asshole, etc. So, that’s good at least :slight_smile:


jman implicitly agreed that I was an antivaxxer, walked it back unbidden by me shortly after, and then explicitly said that he didn’t think I wasn’t an antivaxxer later on. I don’t think he owes me an apology and it’s fine that he didn’t give me one. Let’s drop it.

Wookie is a different story as he called me an antivaxxer in that thread, stuck with it, called me an antivaxxer in this thread and is going down with the ship. Which is fine with me because any objective person can read his posts and what I wrote and see that I’m very clearly not in any way against the covid vaccine.

What the dick is happening here?

FFS put a 15 minute timer on this.


Thank You. FWIW I think Wookie is in the wrong on this one, for the reasons I stated in the original thread.