lolCanada Thread

Every right wing rag here is calling for his head. It’s hilarious.

How are the PPoC and a toilet different?

A toilet has a seat.


An irony, of course, us that they would have 5% of the seats under the same electoral reforms that have been needed for a long time to break the systematic splitting of votes between the NDP and Liberals. I would take the PPC seats in exchange for a similar number of Green seats and a fairer system for the NDP.

Funny timing as I’m debating this exact point in a text thread with friends right now.

This doesn’t look too good to me.

Three points:

In that exact configuration, the Liberals can pass anything with NDP buy in, but can’t pass anything without them. That’s actually pretty ideal - you would get a left-tilted Liberal policy.

People might vote differently if they knew their NDP votes would count more. Reluctantly voting Liberal is as Canadian as maple syrup and losing the Stanley Cup to American teams.

Proportional representation is not as good as ranked voting. Ranked voting would drive down Conservative seats I think.

Looks pretty good to me. There’s no conceivable way for Conservatives to form government under this structure. Also makes it very unlikely that the Bloc could hold the balance of power.

I hope you guys are right but it all feels like the early days of the tea party when everyone in US was saying how they would remain a fringe element forever.

Of course, our system makes it harder for them to take control being their own party but I’m not a fan any gains they make.

I don’t like their gains either but I think the problems with them are present whether we have proportional representation or not. They exist on Facebook and that’s probably a more powerful vector of their narrative than having seats in Parliament.

It gets even worse. He really is all talk and no action.

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Who could have ever guessed an organization dedicated to the most toxic of masculinity would be a breeding ground for sexual abuse.

Alberta’s gone off the deep end with their Not All White People/Whites Aren’t All Bad, Silly kick

These proposed changes are so terrible and underreported. Literal nazis writing curriculum.

Hopefully it’s some of the good Nazis. They weren’t all bad you know!

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Strengthening the economy in theory should be good for “everyone.” Just rather than it meaning full employment, living wages, benefits, affordable housing they mean “stocks go up”

Totally just concern over vaccine mandates

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The #FluTruxKlan is trying to hold us hostage in our own city.

The media has been infuriating, insisting on pointing out that the protest has been “peaceful” despite the marauders running around maskless, intimidating restaurant workers, taunting minorities, pissing and shitting wherever they feel like, and, in the piece de resistance, assaulting a homeless person and shaking down a shelter for food:

And that’s not even getting into the Nazi flags that no one in the crowd seemed to have a problem with. (Remember the German saying: If you have a table of 10 people chatting with a Nazi, you have a table of 11 Nazis.)

The mayor has been totally absent, the premier may as well not even exist for everything we’ve heard from him, and the police have basically rolled out the welcome mat, putting out a notice on Friday that I’ve never seen for any protest on climate action, BLM, Indigenous rights, or the like:

Thankfully, we live far enough away from the core that we don’t have to deal with this much, but I have a number of Twitter follows who live downtown and are scared to go outside and/or being driven out of their minds with the nonstop truck horns (they were blaring last night until 1am, from what I saw).

This is a terrorist action disguised as a protest, by people who believe the rules don’t and shouldn’t apply to them, and every level of authority is going out of their way to prove them right.

Cliffs: The police suck, the mayor sucks, the media sucks, Doug Ford sucks, and the truckers can go jump off a bridge.


And they pissed on the war memorial. But honestly, those are way down the list of atrocious behaviour for me at this point, even though they seem to be the only things that can get people in power to express any outrage.
