LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Anybody wants on to my ‘if I were mod for a day ban list’ all they have to do is vote no.


I mean jmakin just had a thing in admin log wondering about ways we might be able to expand the site…

Dont ban oreo

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Post one could be “wtf is a delegate”.

That might be post 2, following post 1 - wtf is the Democratic party supposed to be?

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What Dele of Tottenham been up too Jal?

Clovis, I agree with some of what you’re saying and I think a lot of good will come from this bill passing. I am NOT attacking you personally here.

That being said, can you break this quoted claim down for me? Cause I dont see how $1400, or $6500 or whatever these one time payments and credits will equal, will allow anybody to afford healthcare that couldn’t before. Maybe a healthy person that doesn’t need a lot of that money for other expenses, sure. But anybody with any medical condition? Yea, no. Not in America #192. Healthcare is ungodly expensive here and a one time stimulus will not be changing the ability of people to pay for it.

Now I know the stimulus bill includes some changes to ACA/Medicare eligibility, but nothing I have seen seems like it will be a lasting effect. Some more people will have access to subsidized healthcare for two years. That’s great but does nothing to address the problem. It’s great that “people who couldn’t afford healthcare last week can afford it this week”, but what about next week?

I admit that you very likely know more about how this bill addresses healthcare costs than I do, so I am genuinely asking for an elaboration so that I can better understand.

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That’s what the GOP has said for decades: Democrats want to keep the poor poor. Trump really drilled that message. It’s conspiracy nonsense to me.

The reason an underclass exists is because Lake Wobegon is fictional.

Haha, wow.

The lefties definition of poverty seems to be: people who have significantly less than the median resources. It’s impossible to eliminate that regardless of how much redistribution the government does.

Neither of those things are true.


Try instead:
Housing, food, healthcare, and education are guaranteed for everybody.

Get this to 100% of the population.

It’s not having below median which is the problem, it’s the incentives that poverty creates. When you are fighting for housing, food, healthcare, and education, it’s not bargaining – it’s a gun to your head.



Two years is far from a meaningless time period.

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Really doesn’t matter if your premiums are subsidized when you gotta pay hundreds of dollars to go to the doctor.


For decades the Dems have sold out the working class in favor of the owning class. That isn’t conspiracy nonsense.

When the Dems voted in favor of the Taft-Hartley Act that severely restricted the rights of unions to organize and strike and paved the way for things like so-called “right-to-work” laws. That was Dems doing the bidding of their corporate masters, and shitting all over the working class.

The war on drugs, the growth of the prison-industrial complex, and the militarization of police were bi-partisan.

When Clinton did welfare “reform”(aka gutted welfare), was that him caring about poverty or doing the bidding of his corporate masters? Or when he championed NAFTA, was that good for working people? Did that reduce poverty, or did it increase corporate profits at the expense of working people?

When Obama let the banksters off the hook for the largest financial fraud in history, and millions lost their homes, was that him caring about poverty or serving his Wall St. backers?

When Dem politicians use right-wing talking points to shit on UHC/M4A, they aren’t doing that in order to alleviate poverty, they are saying those things to protect the interests of capital.

The 2020 NDAA passed with overwhelming Dem support in Congress. $700B+ for bombs and occupations, when it’d be better spent on green/sustainable jobs, and education. Those Dem politicians voted for that; they have agency. “They got money for war, but can’t feed the poor.” -Tupac

I really wish the Dems were as pro-worker and anti-poverty as the image that they curate to gain support. I don’t normally quote the Bible, but it’s right when it says that “a man can not serve two masters”. We live in a class based system that is violently enforced. The struggle is real, and the Dems, for the most part, are on the pro-capitalist rather than pro-worker side of the struggle. It sucks that they are, but that’s the reality of a pro-business party in a capitalist society. It’s why Trump’s and the GOP’s attacks on the Dems resonate–because there is truth behind it.

It’s like our country is a fully provisioned restaurant owned by the wealthy and staffed by the Dems & GOP. The Dems serve scraps and claim that’s all there is, while the wealthy have food fights in a private dining room. The GOP serves straight up salmonella, and claims it’s both sides’ fault. I’d rather eat scraps than salmonella, but they are both lying to us.

Just because the GOP is worse, and just because the Dems do some good some times, that doesn’t mean that the Dem politicians by-and-large aren’t subservient to their capitalist masters–the very ones that are prosecuting and winning the class war against us.




I would say it resonates because they’re preaching to the choir.

Then again, it seems more discerning minds agree that Trump’s witless musings and the GOP’s baldly self-interested diatribes have “truth” to them. In my opinion, much of the historical corporate centrism described above is less descriptive of the Democratic Party today than the much more conservative party of the last couple decades. Institutional inertia and political concern about moving too far too fast are twin beasts that must be tamed before goals can be achieved. When no less corporatist shills than Klobuchar and Schumer are decrying the filibuster as preventing a very liberal agenda from advancing it tends to dilute the visceral anger of your post.

In order for your view to be correct, the policy advanced by Democrats would have to be tepid-regressive if the Democrats held 60+ seats. I believe Schumer, with a super majority, would actually advance the policies he continually and ardently and publicly advocates. Your view is that he’s lying.

When Trump fear mongers about immigrant caravans he’s full of shit. And when the GOP suddenly notices the deficit after blowing it up by giving tax cuts to corporations and the wealthy, they are also full of shit and disingenuous. When Trump rails on the negative impact of NAFTA, that’s the truth. That’s what effective propaganda relies on–that there be some truth to it. Then keep repeating the truth parts along with the lie parts, until the audience believes that it is all truth.

I was listening to a Michael Parenti speech from the 80’s and he describes how people were discounting Reagan as some mindless dolt, while he was simultaneously adroitly advancing the interests of the ruling class. It was eerily reminiscent of how Trump is portrayed as an idiot. Yet, just like Reagan he delivers on tax cuts for the rich, pulling back workers’ rights and protections, appointing RW judges, and installing “civil servants” who’s goals were destruction of government and institutions. Trump may not be able to multiply 6x17 in his head, or speak as eloquently as Obama, but he doesn’t need to be able to do those things in order win battles in the class war.

In your opinion when did this historical corporate centrism Dem party transform into something else? Obama ramped up the police/surveillance state, let the banksters off the hook, did drone wars, etc. Obama’s a smart guy, he knows what the impact of NAFTA was and he was like “hold my beer, catch a load of this TPP”. That was just a few years ago. Biden is president and he participated in all the stuff I listed in my previous post except for Taft-Hartley. Schumer was around for most of it too.

When Dems say that they want to pass “very liberal” agendas I put that in the same category of “most progressive” stimulus ever. Like what does it actually mean? Very liberal…progressive…shit I bet Kyrsten Cinema is capable of describing herself as either one, and she voted against increasing the minimum wage.

Here’s a little breakdown that may help us understand each other better. From my view:

  • very progressive/liberal stimulus=temporary tax credits=bandaids, the system is still in place but there is some relief for those in need

  • giving employees 1/3rd representation on the board of companies=reformist=better than bandaids because at least we’ve partly changed the power dynamic of the employer/employee relationship

  • turning Amazon in to worker owned co-operative=radical/socialist=getting rid of the parasitic class and getting closer to the cure