LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

There’s no perfect political system. Everything has upside and downside.

The structure of other state parties as I understand it is not as conducive to the takeover that happened in Nevada. Besides my post was mostly to talk shit about these snowflakes that quit en masse rather than work with DSA. In the article it says they campaigned explicitly on saying that the DSA was trying to tear the party apart. Hypocrites


Nordic countries do a pretty good job

Norway has 9 parties seated in the Parliament. The biggest has 27% of the seats.

Wtf how does that even work. So they’re all just super progressive?

I should read on how modern Norway came to be. Did they just educate their society and everything else followed?

After WWII Europe was broken and fixing things had a lasting impact. The parties in Western Europe and Scandinavia in particular aren’t all liberal, but the social welfare states that came out of rebuilding from WWII have been somewhat resistant to erosion - though some people like Margaret Thatcher did a lot of eroding.

Scandi countries are also famously not very corrupt and their parliamentary system is harder to purchase than our two party shithole system.


This is certainly true and this kind of thing predates “communism”. The Romans maybe dabbled in it, but the English were masters of giving just barely enough to avoid revolution while Continental Europe went though massive revolutions in 1789, 1793, 1820, 1830, and 1848. And it was conservative Otto Von Bismarck who invented the modern social welfare state.

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So we need a Canadian Hitler to wreck America to get universal healthcare?

It’s amazing that since agriculture and wealth a small number of elites have been able to board wealth and control the population. That makes me feel hopeless and like it will always be like that.


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Isn’t the Biden thread just the lol democrats thread now?

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Odd to assume a lack of m4a is inevitable given America is one of the only high gpd countries without it.

That’s because we’re closer to open fascism than universal health care.

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I get it’s fashionable to be waaf, but America is a a huge favorite to have m4a before actual fascism at this point.

We’ve had actual fascism since in the US since 2001.


Like, the cops can already destroy your property and lock you up indefinitely for no reason and face no consequences for their actions, and we know a significant chunk of them are white supremacists. Then like 40% of the country supports that status quo, even if they suffer because of it. But m4a is right around the corner lol

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74 million people just voted for Trump and Republicans made gains in the house and absolutely crushed in state and local elections.

Gerrymandering and voter suppression are going to be off the charts.

We’re staring down the very real possibility of President Josh Hawley with a Republican trifecta in four years.


The post 9/11 years were like living in a dumbed-down reboot of 1984, and Dems have only ever managed to push back against fascism with small wins.


Not only quit but took $450k with them lol


All true but you also just passed a stimulus set to lower the child poverty level the most in history.

You certainly don’t live in a utopia but it’s not a dystopia yet either.

Agreed. But I’m saying we are much closer to that dystopia you speak of than to Medicare For All.