LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

People on this forum are completely blind to the plight of the people on the lower rungs of the ladder in the US. (This isn’t even specific to you and I’ve seen it from a lot of people)

Black people that live in communities where the government has forgotten about them resource wise (Jackson Mississippi which is 80% black hasn’t had running water for weeks now) except for a police force that constantly terrorizes them with budgets bigger than other countries militaries live in a fascist state constantly. They get treated like 2nd class citizens and mistakes they make are punished heavily compared to the rest of the population. In 2019 1/45 black men were held in prison and this doesn’t even include people in county jails or pre-trial confinement. Sure most people in the US don’t have to deal with the fascist aspects of the states day to day but that doesn’t mean it’s not the reality for some living in Amerikkka


Who is disagreeing with any of this?

How is the country a favorite to get m4a before this “actual fascism” gets here even though now you agree that the actual fascism is already here for a segment of the population?


Not with Trolly that US has had fascism since 2001, but think fascism vs M4A is a toss up.

The point I’m trying to make is that people on here look at the state of the country through peachy privileged glasses. I have friends who have to deal with the fascist state every day when they leave their home, if you told them “bro it’s not that bad the country will probably get m4a before we see fascism” they would look at you crazy.

How much of the population needs to be directly affected by the fascist aspects for people to call it a fascist state? Does it have to be over 25% or maybe once it starts affecting more white people then we can call it fascist?

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One of the issues with this whole conversation is that the US has been ‘fascist’ in some form or fashion since before the founding. The combo of chattel slavery + genocidal settler colonialism was what the first wave of European settlers came here for.

I know we’re taught in school that people came here for ‘religious freedom’, but that’s bullshit. People came here because life was hard in Europe for subsistence farmers and there was ‘free land’ for the taking in the New World.


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Something that the “it’s not fascism” crowd doesn’t seem to get is that there’s nothing keeping you off the “people who can be terrorized by the government” list. The systems and laws that destroy the lives of minorities exist and can be used against anyone at any time, and lots of Americans like that fact. Yea, you might be a wealthy white guy and have almost zero chance that you end up on the wrong end of all of this, but it’s still possible.


Make a pain in the ass out of yourself and you’ll be on the receiving end quick. Also all that stuff you have just gives them more they can take from you if you aren’t behaving. At the end of the day economics and politics are about power full stop. If you have it good it’s because it benefits the system for people like you to be content.

This is good.


I wasn’t talking about M4A or a social safety net, those things would be great. I meant a society where everyone had enough and the super rich elite weren’t hoarding all the wealth. Like everyone could lead nice dignified lives and not have to work away almost their entire lives just to get by. Something like people could work 20 hours a week and make a good income and fully be able to enjoy this life.

IIRC hunter gatherers only had to hunt and gather around 20 hours a week and the rest was theirs to do whatever they wanted.

Agriculture was a huge mistake.

I mean step in the right direction but I feel like democratic consultants are the nut low. They have to be. Seems like all they do is suck money out of the campaign and give terrible advice it seems. You hardly ever see a centrist democrat run a good campaign.


The fuck it isn’t. But hey, all you comfortable “middle” class people keep on celebrating a bit of duct tape that just got slapped on things.



So classy.

Complete own goal.


I think this is the right move. D’s were upset when Trump signed. If Biden did the same R’s get to play the hypocrisy card. Yes, I know no one really cares, but that talking point would run non-stop on Fox, OAN, etc.

Now, what are R’s going to run about the stimulus? It’s incredibly popular and everyone knows R’s all voted against it, so they are just ignoring it. I think better to take the clean win that give R’s a chance to muddy the water about a meaningless issue.

I think you’d be shocked to learn how many people legitimately thought Donald Trump was giving them money.


Who fucking cares what Fox will be whining about. Take the free points.

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It’s not just FoxNews though. These points start there but then idiots like MTP pick them up, and then CNN runs the criticism.

Also, what does Biden signing it add. Everyone knows that only D’s supported the stimulus and every R voted against it. Having Biden’s signature on the check isn’t going to win him much.

Who cares what they say? Republicans are hypocrites all the time and no one cares, especially republicans. Do it to piss em off.