LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Lol Democratic voters. Democrats in Congress reflect the flaws of the people who voted for them.

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Saw this on reddit on one of the top upvoted threads. lol democrats indeed

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Purple states have more Republican oriented policies than blue states, film at 11.

Libs too busy focusing on Trump for some very predictable reason


I assume this is a better fit for the Presidency of Joe Manchin thread but that one gets more activity than I can catch up with. Just actively trying to lose at this point. If the stakes weren’t so high you’d laugh at their childlike concept of what “bipartisanship” should look like, namely making things shittier since that’s what Republicans would do.


Tell centrist Dems to fuck off. Bernie, Markey and Warren should threaten to vote no and end this fucking bullshit.

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If they do nothing about this shit, they deserve to lose.

Pretty clear Manchin doesn’t really give a shit, I doubt Cinema does either.

There is a world where the economy goes nuts in 2021-2022, then Democrats get to 53 senate seats and tell Manchin/Cinema to fuck off.

I don’t think this is likely because lol democrats, but it is possible.

One not often discussed thing is that it’s not obvious the voter suppression stuff even helps Republicans. Before a one off pandemic election, they loved vote by mail. And there is zero indication the massive Trump inspired deplorable turnout is likely to repeat in a midterm election.

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loool this is amazing

So they tried to spotlight their diversity, only to realize they aren’t diverse, and instead of changing the speakers so they’re more diverse they just canceled the spotlighting.

good plan!

Came here to post this.

Other than Bernie, AOC, Markley, and a few others they really make it hard to gaf. Just try to help people, what else are you doing!? These constant half-measures are infuriating. I posted in here that I wrote a long e-mail to Sinema concerning their pointless bipartisanship BS. Well I eventually got a response but it had literally nothing to do with my question and was instead some canned response on how she was concerned about the events of January 6th.

A lot of Democrats still act like they represent all of America instead of just the Democratic half. We need more Democrats who don’t care if Republicans–by which I mean Republican voters–suffer.

I mean they won’t suffer, though, at least not in any real sense. Maybe they’ll have mental anguish if they’re given more accessible healthcare or if rich people’s taxes go up but I’m not sure what policies you think will be instituted that would actually negatively impact the average Republican voter.

Some people think of how they are doing in relative rather than absolute terms, so anything that closes racial and gender economic gaps could be described as negatively impacting Republican voters.

We need more cancel culture, white genocide, big government, and other things that strike terror in the hearts of conservatives.

My very own lol democrat - Gruette (Gruelle?) had no idea what “antifa” was short for. When she found out she was incensed too. “What do you mean people hate antifa? They’re literally anti-fascists, who hates that!?”