LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop


Iā€™ve never read or posted in this thread before but Iā€™m popping in to say that I just wrote a long e-mail to my Senator, Kyrsten Sinema, in which I addressed many of the concerns typically discussed on this forum. Basically I told her that Democrats need to stop trying to work with Republicans as they have never tried to negotiate in good faith and to start doing things that actually help the American people. I hope she reads it and contacts me back but Iā€™m not hopeful, although I doubt elected officials get that many long and well-thought out e-mails from their constituents. If she does I will ask for advice on how to address it further.


I think ā€œbelief in Qanonā€ just means you believe thereā€™s some high level defense department person feeding information to the internet. I could see PhDs being specifically susceptible to this cause they all believe that things would be great if we just had the smartest people in charge.

Donā€™t ask THEM for advice. Youā€™re supposed to be the squeaky wheel and tell THEM what YOU want.

Iā€™m going to ask for advice on here, not from her. Iā€™m going to yell at her and tell her what to do if Democrats donā€™t want this country to turn into Russia, which honestly a lot of them might want.

I wrote my rep (Katherine Clark) asking her how she can take PAC money while fundraising off the get money out of politics bill, and the structure of the MA Democratic Party (which has lifetime members on the party committee). Then I looked into my townā€™s Democratic Party Committee, and she has a secret (not anywhere I could find on her website) Zoom meeting with them in a few days! Then I looked at the structure of the local committee, and they have lifetime members! Lifetime membership after 20 years on the committee. LOL Democrats, indeed.

Anyway, Iā€™m going to attend the Zoom, and hope to get the PAC question in.


I thought you were right, but just looked this up to check. You are right. But, interesting that college grads leaned R until 2005, then were just about tied until 2016 and since then have turned heavily Dem.


Yeah, well interesting is one word for it. ā€œDisturbingā€ is what Iā€™d call it. Iā€™m more and more convinced weā€™re going to see a realignment where the Democrats become an aristocratic party like the Tories, with a sort of noblesse oblige attitude towards social and environmental issues, and the Republicans become a populist-right, fascist-adjacent party in the vein of the National Front, probably more detached from reality though.

Itā€™s a combination of racial politics and the dumbass American system which makes such things possible. If the country was ethnically homogenous, it wouldnā€™t be possible for the Democrats to have been as disdainful of the poor and uneducated as they have been. In a parliamentary system, there would probably be a de facto Black party which would be a junior partner in coalition governments.

You could view American politics since the Reagan years as a competition over who gets to be the party of the elites, with both parties engaged in a search to find the perfect way to pander to enough of the lower classes while delivering the policy preferences of elites.


Gotcha. :+1:

This does seem like a pretty good prediction for what is coming in the US.

Lol Obama. Dozens of meetings for Chuck Grassley and company, zero for a Democrat from a deep red state. Great job Barry, A+

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We have a Q Caucus diner piece. Despite the headline, nobody in the article disavows her. She will be in Congress for life.

But emotion filled Teresa Richā€™s voice as she stood outside the radiator shop she owns with her husband, bemoaning the way Ms. Greene has been treated and the failure of other Republicans to adequately defend her.

ā€œI love her,ā€ she said of Ms. Greene, describing her as a fighter taking on the political establishment. ā€œShe fought them. If the party was like it was supposed to be, she wouldnā€™t be in a corner by herself.ā€


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Sounds like her limits are being tested!


I meanā€¦


From that same data set you could also surmise Q aficionados tend to be wealthy Hispanic liberals with advanced degrees.


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No rush!

I see no real benefit to delaying garlands nomination. Whatā€™s the motive?

Republicans would love for dems doj to go after Trump. It would drive turnout from deplorable like nothing else in 2022. Best outcome for them would be him getting convicted.

I really see no point. Maybe more time to cover up their own crimes? Even that seems ridiculous



Not Krystal Ball! We should have seen that coming.