LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Clearly, we should change cloture to allow for debate to ended when we have a majority of senators who represent at least 60% of the population.

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tim ryan probably going to run for senate and end his political career since his seat is almost certainly getting gerrymandered out

Biden will find a job for him if he loses

I give Tim Ryan a decent chance of winning against specifically Jim Jordan. As in, Iā€™d be more bullish about his chances vs how I felt about Jon Ossoff last summer.

lol Iā€™m embarrassed for my state that we churned out so many of these, and theyā€™re all in the limelight lately. Wait til you guys find out about Kamala.

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Gym already said he isnā€™t running. I could see Kasich or DeWine trying and losing to a Q person in the primary.

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Kasich has also said he wonā€™t run - probably because he knows heā€™d have zero shot if he did.

I did not realize that. I think Ryan still has a good shot against anyone who makes Trumpiness one of their defining characteristics.

Why would Trumpiness be a liability in a state that voted for Trump by big margins twice?

The best bet for Democrats in a lean Republican state is if Trump becomes a polarizing figure within the party and the best chance for exploiting that potential divide is if the Republican nominee is a Trumper. And also a Trump supporter is more likely to make an unforced error.

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This theory assumes that Ohio is a ā€œlean Republicanā€ state. Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s true any longer.

I donā€™t think thatā€™s true either, but it will be a good test to see how a non-Trump Trumper fares in a red state when Trump isnā€™t on the ballot or campaigning.

In 2018, Sherrod Brown was reelected and Democrats got 47-48% of votes for US and Ohio House of Representatives. Biden still got 45%, an improvement over Hillary.

It might take a good candidate and the luck of having the right issue become salient during the campaign, but a Democratic win is in the range of possible outcomes.

ā€œAttendeesā€ of what? Where does that text come from? I doubt QAnon correlates with education among the general population. No chance that 40% of postgrads believe in QAnon when something like 70% of them voted for Joe Biden.

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school of hard knocks in facebook profiles ITT

I donā€™t believe the second tweet. Editā€”this may be the cite.
Morning Consult Q poll

Yeah Iā€™m also skeptical. Traditionally, conspiracy theories have been believed at higher rates among the less educated, and college graduates heavily lean Democrat, I think even more heavily for postgrads. Like youā€™d have to believe that not only does college education make one likelier to believe in Q, but that the effect is so strong that it overcomes this partisan skew. I feel like their sample has to have been screwy. Would be good to have more polling.

Edit: Also since they just ask ā€œis Qanon accurateā€ and donā€™t explain what it is, I think many people circa October would have pretty limited ideas on it. This is from pretty much exactly the same time period:

For the ā€œTrump is preparing mass arrestsā€ claim, which is generally described as the foundational QAnon belief, only 26 percent [of self-reported Qanon believers] both had heard of it and said it was true.

Like if youā€™ve heard say ā€œQ is the theory that thereā€™s a cabal of elite paedophiles in Hollywood and DC who molest childrenā€ then yeah youā€™re going to say ā€œaccurateā€, this was like 2 months after Epsteinā€™s death. It doesnā€™t mean youā€™re going to be OK with Jewish Space Laser lady.

If that was the result they got from their polling and they didnā€™t react to it the way a mayonnaise manufacturer would react to a 2 inch thick layer of mold on their latest batch of mayo (shit we fucked that one upā€¦ figure out why and do it all again. Do these people think raw materials are free?) thatā€™s the only story worth telling here.

Huge LOL at claiming people with post grad degrees believe in Q at a higher rate than the less educated. Getting that result means you fucked up and have to start over with better questions. So dangerously lazy.

Iā€™m going to guess that people with degrees have enough free time to sit around watching facebook and falling into the Qhole.

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Oh shit sheā€™s the same Feinstein who tried her best to screw up the Night Stalker investigation by revealing big clues like what shoes he wore. Like wtf was she thinking?

ETA and now Iā€™m responding to posts from 9 days ago.