LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Maybe we should fund part of Trump’s border wall, but only for the part where Cuellar’s district borders Mexico. Find some Cuellar pet project and work to defund it. Maybe House Republicans will help because they want to see Democratic in-fighting.

That committee is going to recommend sweeping progressive reform - AKA tax cuts for the rich that will trickle down to the poor. Its win win!

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Holy shit will you have to be in Kevin McCarthy’s doghouse to get thrown on to this committee.

After Nancy Pelosi told Kevin McCarthy about the new committee, he convulsed in laughter. Even Nancy had to smile. “Don’t worry. It’s only a bone I threw to the LolProgs so they’d keep me Speaker.”

Rep. Jared Golden, D-Maine, voted for Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Illinois, for speaker, while Rep. Conor Lamb, D-Pa., voted for Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., who is seen as a likely successor to Pelosi. Both pledged to oppose Pelosi after doing so in 2018.

Three other Democrats - Reps. Mikie Sherrill of New Jersey, Abigail Spanberger of Virginia and Elissa Slotkin of Michigan - voted “present,” which under House rules did not count against Pelosi. Slotkin voted “present” two years ago, while Sherrill and Spanberger voted for other Democrats for speaker.

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The crisis being that there’s not enough of it.

Didn’t realize Pelosi was 80. She is definitely who we need to lead.

Don’t worry guys attempt coups all you want, abuse human rights, whatever, have a blast, you won’t be getting in trouble!

Same shit Obama said about Bush lol


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Ridiculous. What is needed is a stern letter.

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She can’t write a letter, they took her staff’s computers.



Folks we love the big corporations and their big IPOs




Feels like she might be a pretty weak candidate this time and could be beat by a progressive. And her running might keep conservative Dems from running who might do better.

Take his recent Josh Hawley takedown for example. Fetterman, who just announced a prospective Senate bid, guested on a Daily Beast podcast recently and unloaded on the senator from Missouri who championed Trump’s Electoral College challenge. Speaking to host and former GOP campaign consultant Rick Wilson, Fetterman called out Hawley for refusing to recognize Pennsylvania’s electoral votes, and for at least indirectly inspiring the attack by MAGA supporters on Capitol Hill last week.

“You know, he went to Stanford and Yale Law,” Fetterman said when addressing Hawley’s actions last week. “He knows better than anybody that this is all garbage. And this is the point, and that’s what makes him so reprehensible. You know, I don’t care what your political beliefs are. If you’re willing to damage and endanger over your ambition, your soul is dipped in dogsh*t. I don’t know how else to say it.”


Doesn’t necessarily mean anything. She has to do this to transfer money or something. It’s explained in the Trump thread - should be easy to find :smiley:


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