LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Of course she could make it. Would she keep it or donate it?

She is saving up so she can quit politics and start a homestead.


A single book deal might put her over. What‘s her expected net worth if she puts 5-10% of her salary into the stock market and paid off the mortgage on a house?

She would make at least $5 million from a book, and it would be a lifetime annuity thereafter.

Right - but every Republican elite blatantly pandering to the working class to a comical degree - while being from Blue Blood Harvard and Yale and in bed with Goldman Sachs, and of course doing nothing but fuck over the working poor - doesn’t turn them off for some reason.

Not sure how hard I want to work to achieve that brass ring which apparently requires pure bad faith and nothing else.

The fact that some right-wing chud called Jill Biden “kiddo” in the most condescending cringey op-ed you could ever dream up, but it’s the Democrats who are now tearing themselves apart over it is just perfectly on brand.


She makes $174k/yr. Even with DC real estate prices, putting a good chunk of that away each year should be a 7-fig net worth within 10 years assuming some market appreciation

In this Ohio diner, we always sneer at people who got their graduate degree from U-Delaware.

I think it’s more that the dem response to misogynistic or racist behavior is usually just performative stuff like changing a street name to Black Lives Matter Blvd or putting your credentials in your twitter handle.


I did say in today’s dollars and there are 339 members of congress worth less than $1m right now. A book deal, if she keeps the money, would put her over yeah. So, maybe/probably. But, otherwise I wouldn’t expect her to be above the median.

I’m from the working poor. They’re low info on some things, but they do generally know when someone’s actions help them and when they don’t. Well not the deplorables who are gone down the rabbit hole - which is part of my point - you’ll never make them happy. These people laugh along when Ben freaking Shapiro makes fun of AOC for being a bartender. They’re completely useless and irredeemable.

The other part of my point is that I’d bet my life savings that putting a title after your name on twitter means absolutely nothing to the non-deplorable working class either way. You aren’t going to lose them from that. You lose them by actually doing very little to help them - which the DemE is very guilty of and why Bernie and AOC resonate. People trust them to at least try.

Lefties ragging on Dems for putting a title after their name is just perfect R bullshit - getting us to chase our tail while they’re they’re laughing their asses off at us. It’s also Hillbilly-Elegy thinking (as trolley pointed out) in assuming if we just somehow understand them and speak their language they’ll relate to us.

We all know the key to the kingdom - M4A. Real UHC, not corporate compromises that cost an arm and a leg. The first politician on either side to somehow subvert the donor class and unlock UHC wins. Trump+UHC breezes to second term and is probably dictator for life.

The issue is if women feel like putting their credentials in their twitter in support of Jill Biden, let them. That abhorrent editorial should be 100% the focus of all scorn related to this.

This has absolutely nothing to do with not relating to the working class. There is no reason to snipe at liberal women for doing this.

Has anyone pointed out that like half of the working class are women?

Most voters have no awareness of the “Dr.” issue. None, zero, nada. Just another example of right-wing media creating a bullshit issue, sucking in educated liberals and running out the clock / distracting from obscenely rich people stealing all the money.

Seriously guys, just view literally everything through the lens of rich people getting all the money, it will save you a lot of time.


I’m sure this has been posted elsewhere but please read. They’re literally putting Koch stooges on committees ahead of AOC in retaliation for her primary endorsements. Absolutely infuriating, fuck eDems so hard. I’m done voting for them.


The Democratic Party is a shameful political machine that must be destroyed. It’s close to a hopeless fight but if illiterate mouthbreathing inbreds can nuke Eric Cantor, surely we can primary some of these assholes. @WichitaDM


I will say I wish I had a solution. I don’t. No money can’t beat unlimited money. Ive been beating this drum since 22 and it was the spat that made nun and I mortal enemies on the interim site(which cmon man I’m a teddy bear until you go after me).

The Dems are 90% bought and paid for stooges. They play their part for the camera. Then they do whatever the corporate/donor masters want. They are the literal end boss. Winning elections with the Obamas/Bidens/Pelosis/Schumers does not accomplish anything. Until the party is purged we are blocked by the DemE crew.

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lol the votes to put people on committees are secret? So absurd.

Henry Cuellar should be the number 1 target for progressives outside of screwing over AOC. He’s in a super safe district and has a pathetic voting record.

That’s a good look, go with it…

I actually remember it as the opposite. If they weren’t “Doctor”, they were some non-PhD who was somehow teaching a college class. You had to call them something, so “Professor” it was, even if they were an adjunct or something.

All of the “Doctors” were professors of some sort, but not all “Professors” had a doctorate.

He’s pissed cause she helped his primary challenger (Jessica Cisneros) fundraise and she endorsed her.

I don’t know why anyone’s surprised by this, he’s a scumbag establishment right winger and he’s doing scumbag establishment right wing things…
And of course 75% of the Democratic Congressional Caucus hates AOC. She’s their mortal enemy. They’re more likely to get along with Mitch McConnell behind the scenes than AOC.

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