LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

lol at people lamenting the fact that Dems don’t appeal to the working class while simultaneously shitting on the working class.

I guess negging is still a thing.

Grim is shitting on the working class? How?

Wasn’t just talking about Ryan Grim, but by assuming they don’t care about social justice, or equality, or whatever.

I don’t see how one’s income level or job or education precludes one from being incensed about that WSJ article.

Making a thing about the dumb WSJ op ed doesn’t have anything to do with social justice or equality. Insisting that Jill Biden be called Doctor – oh, she’s a doctor! – is just the dumbest thing imaginable. It strikes me as a strategy of performative outrage: avoidance of addressing the actual issues of working class Americans by framing the wealthy, powerful, privileged person as someone who is aggrieved because of some insignificant slight. A fitting prologue to the next four years, I suppose.

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No one is insisting that she be called Doctor. They ARE insisting that people respect her wishes. If she wants to use Dr. as her professional title, it’s ok to be angry when some old dude tells her to drop it and go sit quietly in the corner like a good little girl.

And I’m saying that it’s entirely possible to care about “actual issues” and this.


Grim and my point is that they don’t care about either this or the real issues.

And my point is that Grim and you give them too little credit, which is EXACTLY why dems are losing them.

“They” was referring to democratic politicians, not voters.

That Democrats talk about woke bullshit all the time but don’t actually do anything to help people is enough for me. Is it a conscious strategy? Not sure how anyone would prove that. I guess the alternative is that they’re well meaning but incompetent? Possible I guess.

The Democrats have already lost the working class for at least a generation. I’m not looking forward to seeing how the new alignments play out.

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*white working class

Looks to me like every color but black is trending hard R, and the black working class could solidly end up in a “none of the above” camp.

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Latino working class is not trending hard R.

Whatever the line on AOC’s worth is in 20 years, I take the under. Less than $2m in today’s dollars for sure, probably less than $1m.

I think woke identity politics absolutely is a conscious strategy. Now, it might be internalized to the point it’s automatic to some. Both can be true.

“Hard” may be an exaggeration and I don’t think we have great data on the last election yet, but it’s looking like they’re the only group where support for Trump increased between 2016 and 2020.

What policies? As near as I can tell the current iteration of the Dems don’t have any anyways.

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If she stays in Congress until she’s 50 just her pension would be worth at least a million dollars.

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Sorry, ladies, treating your credentials with a modicum of respect doesn’t play well with the working class or whatever.


Are there any other right wing populist movements that have turned out badly? Can’t think of any offhand.