LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop


Offer them a severance for taking a forced retirement at 70. $1M? $10M? How big of a check do we have to cut to get these old as fuck ghouls to go the fuck home? $100M?



It’s a retirement community!


The GOP makes some good points here. I’m sure we can find someone competent who isn’t accidentally sleeping with Chinese spies. GJGE Swalwell. Next!

Nancy Pelosi didn’t forget where she was and have a brain reset, she was just reciting her playlist


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Good mornian
Look at the octogenarian

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…and what are you going to do about it, Nancy?

write not one but TWO strongly worded letters!



It takes a long time to get your nose brown enough to move up in the Dem party. Once you are there you never leave as you literally don’t have to do anything and are showered with corporate money and get to rub elbows with the likes of the Trumps and the Kochs. Who would want that to end! The net result of that is what we have. A bunch of bought and paid for geriatric hacks who are just fine literally doing the bare minimum or less and scurrying off to the Hamptons.

There is a zero percent chance to get anywhere with the Dem party as currently constructed. People like Nadler, DiFi and Pelosi are symptoms of the problem rather than the problem itself. Even if we got rid of them the next man up will always be just as bad because after 30-40 years of full entrenchment in the DemE system there is no incentive to rock the boat once they have the reins. In fact they have trained their whole life for their job which is to do nothing meaningful while tricking the Pod Save types into thinking they are fighting for the working class.


Possibly ponied but to make you more depressed, here’s some absolute eDem drivel from Al Gore. Invokes Winston Churchill & Abraham Lincoln while declaring himself to be an absolute pussy. Seems about how many eDem fossils work. Hasn’t worked so well has it, Al…O, wait, that is still what you think…fml

Dems always defending and trying to explain vs GOP always attacking. As poker players we know who’s almost certain to win almost every one of those battles.

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We’re going nowhere until we realize it’s literally ALWAYS about money. That’s the ballgame.

This person is not your friend.

lol wait Al Gore is worth a third of a billion? Jesus. Humble public servant.

We should retire or repurpose the phrase “public servant.”

Nurses, teachers, retail workers, meatpacking plant workers, etc, working during the pandemic are public servants.

Politicians are not. Willing to give a few asterisks to AOC and such.

lol get back to me with AOC’s net worth in 20 years and tell me how you feel about her public service.

So Grim is implying that “working class” people cannot also be in favor of social justice? Or that they can’t care about multiple things at the same time?

That’s alright, the working class have always been misogynists…

He’s saying working class people don’t give a shit if Jill Biden is addressed as Dr or not. And elites changing their twitter handles to include their elitist credentials in solidarity with Dr Jill is just lol.

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