LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

The GOP rotates committee chairs, Dems go straight seniority. It’s working quite well!

Dilbert guy is right!


This party does not deserve anyone’s support. Burn it the fuck down.


Rotating chairs is somewhat democratic. Seniority is BS. The whole leadership system is BS. It’s absolutely ridiculous and undemocratic that people who are represented by newer officials have sooooo much less representation in Congress.


so did Eric Swalwell fuck the chinese honeypot or not

I’m just going to assume he did. Hilarious that Swalwell made his entire presidential campaign about Russian spies trying to infiltrate Trump’s campaign. Oops!

Also should this dude be on the intel committee? Maybe not.

Reminder, Jerry Nadler is still in charge of House Judiciary after performing every bit as uselessly as DiFi.

The leadership is all useless, fuck em. No more donations, no more votes, no more defending it because the other team is worse. At this point it’s like saying it’s ok to root for Baylor athletics because Jerry Sandusky happened.

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I was under the impression that Nadler was the one who pushed Pelosi to impeachment

Exactly? If you go up to 100 people and ask what the impeachment was about, how many could actually tell you what it was about. Five? Ten? No one gaf.

never forget


So how do we get this passed? Because it aint going through Congress. As screwed up as the CA referendum system is - at least it’s something of a check on a useless, corrupt congress.

Maybe amending state constitutions? Im sure that can be done via ballot initiative in some states?

However term limits are are done. Would there be US constitutionality issues?

I mean, if law firms can make people retire at 65, surely we can tell 91 year old DiFi to fuck off.

Over half of the current US senate is 65 or older.

Only 7/48 Democrats are under 55.

The Ds select their preferred, party supported candidates based off of a long wait list composed of the best D fundraisers. Couldn’t create a system more perfectly designed to empower old, out of touch elitists if you tried.

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Pelosi also admonished House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy for calling for Swalwell to lose his seat on the House Intelligence Committee. “I do think that it is unfortunate that Mr. McCarthy is trying to make an issue of this,” she said.

I’m sure that if Matt Gaetz was banging a Russian spy Democrats would be all, hey, it happens.

Although I don’t think that Swalwell did anything wrong here. There’s no way for him to know.

Good morning, Sunday morning