LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

It’s not some kind of debatable relativism when we’re taking about Jason Miller types being scumbags.

Obama figured it out guys. Apparently, the people who brought us free-market Reaganomics were full of shit this whole time.



So what do we think, narrower win for DiFi in 2024?


I’m an inflexible fuck so used to go to these stretching classes with nice old ladies in the pre-COVID days. Remember them being pissed about the attacks on nice old Joe during the primary the way a Trumper would get pissed if you made fun of Trump for liking Big Macs or whatever.

Old people vote and they like to vote for their geriatric peers. If she wants, Feinstein will be in that seat until the day she dies.


Tensions began erupting in the summer of 2018, during Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings, when the other Democrats on the committee belatedly learned that Feinstein’s office had sat on Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation that Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her when they were in high school, instead of immediately alerting them or the F.B.I. Ford had demanded that Feinstein keep the explosive charge confidential. But, inevitably, word of it leaked elsewhere to the media, triggering a second round of circus-like hearings that angered all sides.

Holy fucking shit, can’t force her out though eh Chuck?

According to several sources, Chuck Schumer, the Democratic Minority Leader, was so worried that Feinstein would mismanage Barrett’s confirmation hearings that he installed a trusted former aide, Max Young, to “embed” in the Judiciary Committee to make sure the hearings didn’t go off the rails. He had done the same during Kavanaugh’s confirmation as well. Schumer brought Young in from the gun-control group Everytown to handle strategy and communications and serve as Schumer’s “eyes and ears” on Feinstein, as one Senate source put it. Schumer’s office declined to comment.

Lol unreal

Schumer had several serious and painful talks with Feinstein, according to well-informed sources. Overtures were also made to enlist the help of Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum. Feinstein, meanwhile, was surprised and upset by Schumer’s message. He had wanted her to step aside on her own terms, with her dignity intact, but “she wasn’t really all that aware of the extent to which she’d been compromised,” one well-informed Senate source told me. “It was hurtful and distressing to have it pointed out.” Compounding the problem, Feinstein seemed to forget about the conversations soon after they talked, so Schumer had to confront her again. “It was like Groundhog Day, but with the pain fresh each time.”

The whole article is amazing and infuriating.

Probably but it’s clearly time for her to retire or get some ambassadorship to some rich country just to get her out of there.

nobody accepts losing the car keys either

Meanwhile Republicans are probably blowing sunshine up her ass and telling her to come join them.

why, she’d forget the convo happened within minutes

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You still can’t read a post and comprehend anything I say in it.

Nowhere did I suggest anything other than it’s clearly time for her to go, not that she’d want to do it or that it would happen since clearly they aren’t or can’t force her.

Yeah, I mean the thing is:

  1. I’m not convinced Biden will even try.
  2. It matters less the next two years than it did the last two, she already fucked us good in two SUPER high leverage spots.
  3. Even if Biden tried, she probably wouldn’t go for it.

That’s why it looks like someone has decided it’s time to force her out instead of letting her go out on her own terms. This is only the start of the leaks.

if Dems win both Georgia seats, she would be in line to chair the Judiciary Committee. If you can replace her, next in line is Pat Leahy who was chair the last time Democrats held the Senate, but he might prefer Appropriations, which would make Dick Durbin the next most senior Democrat on the committee. However, Durbin is already the Democratic Whip in the Senate and if that means he won’t chair a committee, then you are looking at 65-year-old Sheldon Whitehouse or 60-year-old Amy Klobuchar. If Leahy wants the Judiciary gavel back, then you’d probably have Patty Murray chairing the Appropriations Committee.

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God, if DiFi was from a red state it would be one thing. But so maddening she is from California.


California GOAT

Joe Biden should appoint her ambassador to the French Laundry. I think she’d probably jump at that, actually.

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It’s Durbin, according to the article. Whitehouse took his shot and failed, he’s not quite old enough for that kind of responsibility yet. In due time!

Who are these god damn staffers that didn’t say anything before she ran in 2018? Fuck them.

Oh yeah, thx vp-elect Harris too. Gj!

The party of the future!!