LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

The point is that the “but they’re socialists” line is totally divorced from policy, so you may as well propose shit that will actually help people. The eDem lizard brain imagines something like, oh say, a $15 minimum wage as something that will repel moderates. Then boom, it passes handily in Florida while Biden loses and their response is not to rethink their terrible assumption, but to triple down on attacking progressives. Fuck 'em, I’m done voting for them.


I am in a rural district in NY. Trump won my county I think at about 65%. And here at least like I said it was all Nancy all the time not AOC. Even in person the reps and many dems hate her. I had to here about that ice cream and her blocking bills to help people so many times I should of made a flyer to hand out showing Mitch and the gang blocked the help. Most don’t even know who AOC is.

You can take her and all the progressive out of the equation and reps are still going to be calling dems commies. They always have and always will.

What dems need to do is own it and say yes we are for healthcare for everyone. We are for environmental regs. We are for ending poverty and our wars and making pot legal. All very popular ideas. But since they are not for those things and are for the same corporate bs they have always been for, here we are.


Disregarding the bad faith of the messenger here, the essence of this tweet is true and why we are getting demolished in rural areas, imo.

Regardless of who is to blame, Ds don’t help them much and make them feel bad about their biases. Rs help them even less, and tell them their biases are fine or even great. They’ll take the later.

Get someone like Trump who says I’ll do the socialism but for white people, and they are in heaven. Couldn’t be better, if Mitch hadn’t turned him into a liar on that, Trump would have been unstoppable.

I’m saying, there’s a bit of correctness from everyone arguing about this.

Right. This conversation is always framed in terms of “what talking points are popular with voters”, because everyone can make up whatever bullshit anecdotes and use whichever of the 1000000000 opinion polls they want to prove that their side is right without having to discuss the merits of the policies themselves.

Obama likely spawned a generation of politicians whose careers are going to be built around this idea of “I’m super progressive, but the common man just isn’t ready for it, so let’s ease into it with some compromise plans drafted by the heritage foundation”.


Depends on where the common man lives, it seems.

No, I’m not saying the policies depend on where people live. I’m saying the messaging does.

eDems would literally rather lose than win by campaigning on and subsequently implementing popular progressive policy. The debate on messaging is just cover. Nancy has never been as dismissive of any GOP House colleagues as she was of AOC “with her twitter or whatever.” And the rest of the rank and file have Nancy’s back.


And I’m saying that is often an excuse made by people who don’t support those policies either. Like, 99% of people complaining about how “defund the police” is such a bad message also think defunding the police is a bad thing to do. Obama is one notable example.

Of course you’re right that there are some people who secretly want to slash police budgets but think we should lie to the public about it (it sounds like you’re one of them?), but that’s a small minority of the people who are arguing about how “defund the police” is a bad slogan.


Seems what you are saying is AOC and those to the left need to pipe down when their voices are already marginalized and their power almost non existent.

I’d really would like a detailed description of what dems want progressive to do. Because stfu is the only thing I can come up with.


Some could look at that as an argument that if the Dems didn’t have people like AOC and Pelosi in their ranks, people like Ammar could win more elections.

Why not just ignore “defund the police”, don’t bother trying to explain it, and go on the offensive on other issues to distract from it?

They treat the lincoln project better then the left. Because they have more in common with them.



It’s so amazing we are hearing sooo much from Obama about politics when he’s trying to sell a book and shit on the left but he was super quiet while Trump was in office and used an excuse about some dumbass “norms” or some shit like that


What does the article say other than the undemocratic nature of the senate sucks?

When Obama and other EDems whine about defund the police messaging, they are addressing their enemies, not their allies. Sorry that you can’t use the broken two party system to shove the left into a locker anymore.

Sounds like a punishment worse than torture :grin:. I can barely budge the Trump supporters who I have rapport with via text, so can’t imagine doing it via what I’m assuming is a cold text.

What % of your convos with Trump supporters were via text compared to phone, or face-to-face? Can you share rough idea as to what your conversion rate was?

I’ve done way more face-to-face canvassing compared to text or phone banking, and even with F2F our engagement protocols were geared towards engaging neutrals or supporters, rather than opposers. And we only let our strongest people engage with non-supporters, so I’m assuming your campaign had similar guidelines, ie. skydiver is strong and can handle Trump voters, but let’s have the volunteers who are wet behind their ears only engage with Ammar supporters.

hand clap emoji

Get younger elected officials


Die Hard not winning is the end of the republic.

  1. Die Hard
  2. Home Alone
  3. Miracle

Love Actually and Polar are bad movies.

Love Actually does a great job of shuffling you from scene to scene quickly enough to distract you from the absolute fact that it’s a complete trash movie.