LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Balanced take


Iā€™m going to have to revise my 2020 primary rankings. Thatā€™s elite shade.

Good piece. Iā€™m sure to some extent ā€œwhy are you for defunding the policeā€ is just going to become ā€œwhy do you support communismā€ for some voters even in the absence of the movement, like some people are always going to seize on something to confirm their worst suspicions. Seems like it definitely didnā€™t help though and you only have to move like 5 people in 100 for it to be a disaster.

Iā€™m sympathetic to the argument from activists that moderating demands has got them nowhere in the past and part of the problem is the total failure of coherent Dem messaging and their unwillingness to give any concessions to the Left. I just think Defund the Police is bad messaging even on its own terms though, as itā€™s so unclear what exactly is being demanded.



Do they have history or something? Thatā€™s a pretty savage hit on Obama from another Dem.

I mean sheā€™s not really a politician so I donā€™t think she feels the need to be extra nice to Obama, I doubt they have history one way or the other.

Itā€™s what mysteryconman said. Obama is either a moron or heā€™s trying to work you. He was POTUS before Trump, but after Nixon andā€¦like everyone, Jesus H. Christ, John Adams criminalized criticising him. McCarthy was someone Obama probably heard of. He might have heard of LBJ.


MAGA is so clear? If there is indeed a problem with the slogan, lack of specificity isnā€™t it. A lot of people itt trying to come me up with a reason the thing they bristle at is objectively bad but maybe itā€™s not and it just makes you uncomfortable.

In any case you guys are all using the wrong rubric. Taking to the streets because agents of the state keep murdering your number isnā€™t about electoral politics. Weā€™re all talking about is this good or bad for team Democrat but jfc thatā€™s not the point that was never the point.



Nancy bot far more tilting than Trump bot at this point.

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Nancy is going to write the head of the GSA a very strongly worded thank you letter. DiFi will hand deliver it with a hug!


Couple months too late DiFi, way to fuck up a massively important spot on your way out the door.

Sure, just roll with Nancy and shit on AOC


Says the guy about to vote for Nancy as speaker again.

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This shit doesnā€™t matter anymore. The guy already lost the election and if we want to put him in federal max security prison we already have all we need. The guy has committed all the crimes and the only reason we donā€™t have all the details is because heā€™s still president. The coverup ends 1/21/2021 so trying to enforce subpoenaā€™s on 12/2/2020 is kind of pointless.

None of this changes the fact that we should have amended those rules when they refused the first subpoena back in early 2019.

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Here at least it was non stop ads using Nancy as the prop not AOC or other progressive. Yet dems will fight with their dying breath asking everyone get healthcare cost them seats.

rank and file republicans donā€™t know or care about the divisions in the Dem party. Typical text convo with republicans here went:

R: Heā€™s a pelosi puppet!
D: No heā€™s not, he wouldnā€™t vote for her and said so. and hereā€™s proof.
R: Well, I saw he was endorsed by AOC and Bernie and I canā€™t vote for no damned socialist!
D: Heā€™s not a socialist, he owns a business insert tailored message for Rs here

Sometimes it was flipped and the socialism comment was first. Sometimes there was racism thrown in (heā€™s a terrorist who wants Sharia law!!!). That being said, if it was only Pelosi hate we saw, that would have been way easier, since Ammar was on record saying he wouldnā€™t vote for her for speaker.

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That only proves the point. If reps only look at dems as all the same then dems saying the left of the party cost them are being disingenuous.

The reality is people hate Nancy, fair or not, and reps used her far more here then AOC. The other reality is dems have been getting called socialist since I was born and long before. So thinking if the left of the party would stfu all would be good. No just no.

If the dems canā€™t soundly beat the most hated president ever and a Republican Party who is not liked much more. Their issues are far deeper then AOC and a popular healthcare plan.

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I think itā€™s much more nuanced than that, and the real reason is a combination of both arguments. AOC is right, the Dems suck at targeting and digital and modern campaigning. But for those of us in swing or red or rural districts, we get killed by ā€œdefund the policeā€ or ā€œsocialism.ā€ The GOP ads write themselves.

In my hundreds of convos with Republicans here, I can unequivocally say that they ARE winnable if they can be talked down from that socialism ledge. One glimmer of hope I have is that my district might be proof that once Trump is gone, we might be able to make some progress with these voters. Our campaign had two phases toward the end. Phase 1 was when we were winning, we were having convos with Trump voters who hated Issa and were voting for Ammar. Phase 2 was after Issa released an ad where Trump lied about Ammar, mispronounced his name, called him a socialist and a terrorist who hates Israel, and tied him to AOC and Pelosi (lol). After that, we were doomed. Daddy said no and they followed like good little cultists.

Let me be clear: our actual policies here are not the point. The point is, if youā€™re explaining, youā€™re losing, and having to constantly explain what ā€œdefund the policeā€ really means or that here is why XYZ policy isnā€™t socialist takes away from actually selling yourself.