LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop


This shit is disgusting but I guess vote blue


Does absolutely every single major city have a horrible mayor?

Basically. I’ve been thinking about this a bit lately. Like, you have these cities where the Dem primary is the entire election. And time after time voters choose these absolute ghouls. It’s not like they’re worried about electability in the general - they just choose to
vote for the worst humans imaginable.

I’m not sure how much of it is because the Dem base is actually pretty conservative, how much is due to stuff like the local party having the churches and nonprofits and stuff under their thumbs, or how much of it is due to the fact that any sane, good person would never in a million years want to be mayor of one of these cities and deal with the baked in corruption and immorality.


Not Flavortown, their mayor seems awesome!


Now i have a reason to like Guy Fieri? 2020 can’t possibly get any worse.


Like the man, not his food!


Do we know if was trying to get some one else and is just settling for Nancy?

That would be like judging a Bernie bro for voting Biden. If after the intraparty maneuvering Pelosi emerges as the choice, then he has to support it. He can’t have a GOP speaker.

Above assumes he really would prefer someone other than Nancy. I have no idea if that is the case or not.

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I think his Diners show isn’t bad at all. At least 90% of the featured restaurants make me think to myself, “I wish I had one of those by me”.

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Honestly he seems like one of the least objectionable food celebrities.


Yeah not too many of these guys withstand much scrutiny. The Alinea guy seems sympathetic, maybe Thomas Keller and Eric Ripert, but it seems the fine dining scene is full of absolute psychos.

He took his food truck out to make food for the firefighters who were fighting the Cali fires earlier this year I think (no sense of time right now). He also does a lot of charity and raising money for people in need. Seems like an awesome very caring person

In non-LOL news, this woman spoke at a virtual conference I attended. Progressive in a rural area. Ran a 100% positive campaign based on values. @skydiver8

“Two years after winning a seat in the state House of Representatives, representing conservative, rural District 88, Maxmin secured a win in her challenge to state Senate Republican Leader Dana Dow. As in her first campaign for elected office, Maxmin won over voters in state Senate District 13 — where residents chose Collins over Gideon — by engaging deeply with her community and offering a platform focused on climate action, investing in universal broadband access, and treating healthcare as a human right.”


The entire restaurant industry, really. Bourdain’s Kitchen Confidential talks about this a lot, and it all rang true with my personal experiences. It’s a crazy world full of crazy people.


I like listening to Dave Chang’s podcast and he sometimes talks about mental illness in the industry, how he came of age in an era influenced by Bourdain’s book, and how he struggles with trying to be better and to have kitchens organized on saner principles. I don’t know how much is performance to make him look better, but I take at face value his description of what kitchens used to be like.

But it does tend to take a psycho to rise to the top of an industry, especially one where the top lights view themselves as artists.


Chang seems like an amazing guy. Like top 5 people I’d love to have a beer with.


The show is great and Guy seems awesome

Great fucking job, Dems, you have like 80,000 gettable voters in a swing state that you could have picked up with some very elementary GotV operations and transportation, instead y’all lit mountains of money on fire trying to win over Karens in Ohio and to try to get McGrath in office.


That doesn’t make sense at all. They definitely want the votes. They may not give a fuck about the people after they get the votes, but they still want them now.

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This is a fairly meaningless thing to say though. Like yeah all else being equal, if they could just push a button and get those votes, they would do it. The question is what effort they’d be willing to go to do try to secure those votes and the answer is none at all. Bear in mind that tens of millions of dollars were raised for Senate races that they lost by double digits.

The Democratic Party exists to perpetuate the party and keep the gravy train rolling. If they can win elections in the process, that’s a happy side effect.