LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

The faster this dumpster fire party burns out the better.

The main reason the Democratic Party might burn out is if we complete the authoritarian slide and enter one party rule.

Seems like a good time for a bump…


What the actual fuck?

Don’t we kind of have a major emergency right now?

In other LOL DEMS news, Nancy isn’t even considering attaching election security / integrity measures to the next stimulus bill. Never mind that the GOP needs more stimulus WAY more than Democrats going into November, shes yammering about BIPARTISAN COOPERATION.

100% GOP would be tanking the economy to win if roles were reversed.


Can’t make this shit up

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meanwhile pelosi is showing off her 10k freezer full of gourmet ice cream in a let them eat desserts type moment


You’re seriously complaining about a step toward single payer?

Increased subsidies for COBRA, sure to capture the hearts and minds of rust belt diner patrons



Nancy and her lazy eye should have been sent to the guillotines a long time ago.

I can’t imagine we have any more stimulus packages that help the small person other than refunding PPP. Any future stimulus will be targeted at big business bailouts.

Everyone is pushing to reopen so clearly people don’t need any more help.

She fills her feeezer with chopped pieces of Laotian boys.

Liz Warren thinks this video is gauche

I though my uncles fridge set up was ridiculous, but she puts him to shame. Does she have like a small army living with her?

Lol democrats

Lol Pelosi, lol Dems forever

Questioned about the Post story, Pelosi acknowledged the exasperation within her caucus. She said she backs remote voting but bipartisan support from House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) was crucial before moving ahead with any changes.

“I share the frustration that they have about the committees,” she said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I’m all for doing the remote voting by proxy. I want it to be bipartisan. The Republican leader, Mr. McCarthy, has assured me that he will consider this. He’s not there yet. He could be there.”

The assurances of a Republican? Well, everything’s good then!

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It is amazing how many times Lucy can pull the football and they will just keeping going for the kick over and over again.

Makes you think dot gif