LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Why would they ever change?

Still a complete airball on election security. Working hard, thank you!


Thank god weā€™ve got people like Schumer focusing on the really important things.


Schumer is a Senator, he will pay no political price no matter what same as Cocaine Mitch or Rick Scott

Not having Trump deceive voters in an election year that he is sending them badly needed money seems important enough.

schumer could just announce a democrat plan for twice as much money that has his signature on it, instead heā€™ll announce nothing and cry that the something has the presidentā€™s signature on it, itā€™s pretty weak sauce

Yeah, I donā€™t get why Chuck is wrong here. It clearly helps Trump if he can put his brand on the checks.

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This is the thing he actually decides to do? Sure itā€™s helpful, but not as helpful as basically anything else.


The correct play is to ridicule Trump for it. Now Schumer looks like the one playing games.


Iā€™m not sure that giving in to Trumpā€™s demands and never pushing back is a great idea.

Insist that Trump not use the checks as a branding opportunity, send out the message that heā€™s stalling the money to play politics, ez game.

WAAF, like it wasnt the goddamn president dude, it was the whole fucking government, it coulda been a monkey in there and you would have gotten the money

Meh, the President always gets credit for that shit. He gets the blame too when the money runs out. I wouldnā€™t sweat over it.


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Such a pathetic nickname. Call him Tiny Hands Trump or something like that. Would tilt him way more than that stupidity.

(donā€™t @ me but) Iā€™ve never been a fan of the tiny hands thing - there are plenty of things to rip Trump on and a physical thing he has no control over shouldnā€™t be one of them imo - that candyfloss combover thing he has on top of his head is a gift.

Hands, hair, weight whatever. He is a narcissistic, vain person and knocks on his appearance and lack of money piss him off way more than being called a racist or something like that.

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