LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

As I recall, a lot of the debt was accrued helping pay for Beau’s medical bills.

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What does she mean by “rule of law in Hong Kong”? That sounds like the opposite of what we want right

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Advancing US interests overseas is The Law in 'Merica. Do you ever foreign policy, bro?

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Or you could spend it on a length of good sturdy chain.


don’t know what good a length of chain will be once I’m done using my rusty straight razor on you.

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The point is that both arguments are fantasies. We have decades of history on these people and they suck and they aren’t changing. But somehow even the small contingency of hyper knowledgeable, progressive/lefty/whatever people still feel the need to parrot completely delusional talking points like “vote for this person, then convince them to change their policies once they’re in office”.


The tea party says hi.

What do you mean?

They did exactly what we want to do. We have a literal map of how to do it.

Ok, and their plan was primarying moderate republicans. Also, their policy preferences were basically just standard GOP shit but with more racism and less intelligence. Mitch already wanted to do all the things the Tea Party wants.

I don’t think it’s fair to say the tea party elected moderates and then moved them to the right.

Okay, where are the dark money funds coming to help the left like the tea party got?


Is that not the current plan for the left?

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Why does it have to come from that? Why can’t it be truly grassroots. We (the collective progressives) have to do the work and pay the bills.

I made a post saying “elect Biden and then move him left” is a fantasy that for some reason even many of the progressive people on this forum continue to repeat. Clovis responded by bringing up the Tea Party, who basically did the opposite of that, as if it was a rebuttal to my point.

I agree that there needs to be a robust tea party like movement on the left. I think a necessary condition of that movement is that everyone stops fucking pretending like there is anything redeemable in the Biden/Harris ticket.


I don’t necessarily think it has to come to that but I don’t think it’ll be as easy/simple for progressives as what the tea party did. It just is a harder uphill battle when the party is strongly against you and then we have liberals giving tens of millions to Lincoln party ghouls who are part of the reason Trump is in power and we are in this situation

This is promising (the number is corrected in the follow up tweet to 155)

But even in Chicago we get a lot of pushback against our DSA aldermen because they don’t automatically fold to demands from developers and the dem machine paints them as the reason why businesses are leaving the city and we can’t attract people. When the tea party started taking over the republicans basically welcomed them into the platform and unified all of them to still accomplish the goals of the Republican Party. It doesn’t seem like the progressives and center of the dem party have any type of way to do that because the corporate party doesn’t really have interest in too many of the policies progressives push for

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Who is actually saying this? Stop Trump by any means and then get progressive into power has always been the gameplan afaict.

I think a necessary condition of that movement is that everyone stops fucking pretending like there is anything redeemable in the Biden/Harris ticket.

Dude, everyone here agrees that Biden/Kamala sucks.

Yes, Day 1 is now. Time to find ways to primary as many libshits as we can and find a nominee who can credibly challenge Kamala in 2024.

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Does anyone here support Pelosi? You’re strawmanning.

It was the best option available.

Barach is doing the same speeches to finance people and Bill did way more than Hillary. Bill has made 9 figures in speaking fees. And Joe is Mr. Credit Card company if I’m not mistaken.