LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

As I recall, Pelosi is about ten points higher than McConnell. She also has higher ratings than Schumer. This mostly comes from being more popular with Democrats than Mitch is with Republicans, while being equally hated by the other party.

So basically, sexism is polarized.

Republicans hate Democrats a lot. They use superficial qualities like race and gender to decide which Democrat they will use as an Emmanuel Goldstein character to focus their hate upon.

Democrats need to be trained to hate Republicans with an equal fervor.

Joe didnā€™t win on policyā€¦ he won on being a regular, empathetic dude married to a teacher. They had to try to attack him as an elitist based on Hunter, not anything Joe himself did.

Hillary was an elitist that literally accepted quasi-bribes from Wall Street, foreign governments, etc. and somehow become worth $100mm.

Thatā€™s my point, Joe sucked at policy and got by on being a non-threatening white dude.

Agreed on HRC being more elitist than him, but itā€™s not like Joe is poor. Heā€™s worth around $10M.

Poor by politician standards, but rich as fuck compared to the population.

Whyā€™d Hillary take the money knowing she wanted to run for office??? Because she thought she was ā€œworth itā€ and entitled to it. Iā€™m sure she legitimately thought that based on comparing herself to all the super rich people she has been hanging out with the last 30 years.

Whereas the voter is like, you are worth it, huh? Iā€™ll show you what I think your worthā€¦


Hillaryā€™s corruption wasnā€™t a one time thing. The cattle futures scandal was real (lol 10,000% return in less than a year with absolutely zero prior experience trading in the area). And she absolutely participated in attacking Billā€™s credible accusers. Shes a bad person and always has been. Spare me the stories about how she was nice to some people when she was a Senator or SoS.


There is not much you can point to to show that Joe chased that money or was driven by it or changed by it. Itā€™s like your buddy winning the lotteryā€¦ could turn him into an elitist asshole or could just be the same dude with a bigger bank account. By every account, Joe is either the later or did a hell of a job faking it.

He just made a top 1-5% salary most of his adult life and accumulated wealth. I didnā€™t say he was bad for it, but heā€™s still in elite company in wealth.

When the rival politicians on both sides of the aisle think they are entitled to be in the 0.1% and act like it, then 1-5% that came by virtue of his public office is pretty good.


The point of the whole conversation is to drill down into why. Like, really deep down, the real, culturally-conditioned answers, I mean.

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Bill Clinton grew up shitting in an outhouse. Barack grew up abandoned by his father and raised by a single mother. Bidenā€™s family had economic hardship growing up and he has had unfathomable tragedy throughout his life. If you can make it through that with a positive attitude, thatā€™s some real shit that helps you relate and makes you relatable.

Hillary and Nancy are the tough rich white ladies who demanded to be let into the all male country clubā€¦ yeah, they should be let in and the guys at the country club are even more privileged/suck worse but at the end of the day, who gives a shit? Thatā€™s not a compelling story to people who have real world problems.

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I dunno, does this require me to, at the end of this drilling, say that actually Nancy Pelosi is just as talented a politician as Barack Obama? Keep in mind I still have functional eyes and ears and do not suffer from some sort of Memento-style amnesia.

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No, just to examine what makes someone ā€œtalentedā€ or ā€œengaging.ā€

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I think the sexism angle applies more to the attacks on AOC.


Thatā€™s very recent, right? He lived the vast majority of his life as much poorer than that. Wasnā€™t Obama offering to loan him some money or something like that?

I mean, he was a senator for 30+ years, then VP. Heā€™s been in the top 5% in earners and in the top fraction of 1% in power for around 50 years. If that doesnā€™t qualify as elite, what does?

Heā€™s more relatable and seems to give a damn about the working class, which is somethingā€¦ And he seems to have lots of empathy for others. But heā€™s clearly an elite. I suppose that doesnā€™t make him an elitist automatically, if thatā€™s a distinction you want to makeā€¦

Iā€™m not really concerned with whether he is elite or elitist.

Iā€™m just saying he wasnā€™t really ā€œrich as fuckā€ until recently. I donā€™t think he eclipsed a 7 figure net worth until after he left in 2016. (I could be wrong about this, in which case you should disregard.)

And while that definitely puts him ahead of most Americans, I certainly donā€™t think of that as rich.

Of course ā€œrichā€ is subjective, so Iā€™m not going to fight you that hard if you want to insist that he was. Itā€™s all relative.

Yeah I mean heā€™s made 3-4 times the median US income his whole career essentially. He may not have accrued as much net worth until recently, but once he had vested his Congressional pension he could pretty comfortably spend 100% of his income if he wanted to and know he was still set for life.

Looking into it, he apparently accrued a shit load of debt, so I donā€™t know what thatā€™s all about. Maybe he had a spending problem, or maybe it was due to his mortgage.