LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

At least AOC isn’t living in a mansion on hedge fund money. I think she’ll never be President because it’s way too hard to overcome the electoral advantages given to rural areas in this country but at least she could run as a true populist.

That and her own party seems intent on kneecapping her.

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what ever could be the difference? :thinking:


This should get five likes… That being said I don’t think you can blame having no charisma whatsoever and terrible messaging instincts on gender. The sexism sure doesn’t help though.

Nancy and Hillary are absolutely the victim of pretty intense sexism but are both just viscerally terrible people who should be nowhere near leadership positions in a major political party. Hillary and her $200,000 Goldman Sachs speeches and Nancy tweeting out pictures of her $20k fridge in her $10 million house, flying private and being the most petty, arrogant person ever. They’re like a parody of people the GOP would create as villains in a politics video game.


Another thing is that differences in class tend to show more on a surface level on women than men, IMO. Like there is no way to tell just by looking at them that Mike Pence is dead broke and Donald Trump is a billionaire (or at least a millionaire). They all have the same “uniform.”

Same is not true for women like Nancy and Hillary.

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Three of them are very talented and engaging politicians who can connect to voters and two of them are, uh, not.

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I would totally play a game like this.

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I think this falls in the category of “at least makes them work for it”.

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Or keep looking for a leader until you find one their attacks don’t work on. AOC should be going on Fox News now. I know it sucks, but every opportunity she gets to speak to their viewers without a filter in the way is probably a good thing. Anything to make the demonizing harder.

This would be clever if literally anyone here who said that about Biden actually supported her. I was leading the charge against her two years ago, going blow for blow about it with he who I shall not mention.

Pelosi is awful.

Obama: cling to guns and Bibles

Clinton: Lewinsky

Biden: He had tons of cringey moments on issues of race a long time ago

It’s sexism.

That applies to Obama and Bill, but not so much Biden. His messaging was so-so and he’s not charismatic.

Nailed it.

You should rethink this take and think about why that’s the case and what the why says about sexism in business and politics.


I can buy the difference between Biden and HRC being sexism. He didn’t win the second time by as much as he should have. Biden sucks. He’s the first centrist of his kind to win a presidential election in my lifetime.

Bill was something more than a vanilla centrist as a candidate.

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Doesn’t matter why, it is what it is… Gavin Newsome somehow manages to overcome the general rule and present himself as an elitist douche, imo, and it is just bad politics in the places we need to win…

I mean one can acknowledge the sexism and still think about it strategically and say the country isn’t ready for a woman president yet. There are electoral realities that I despise, but still acknowledge the reality of. We have to pick our spots to fight on them, knowing we may take an L.

It was a good thing in general to have a woman on the ticket, because you have to do that before one can win. But 2016 was a risky time, and knowing what we know now, a white guy with a woman of color VP was the right ticket in 2016 in a must-win.


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When you are trying to represent yourself as for the working class, you should not present elitists who are easily identified as such as your champions. Woman elitists are easier to spot than male ones, or you can just not choose an elitist at all…

In saying that it is sexism, we should look at what sort of sexism.

Is it sexism on the part of Republicans to attack Democratic women harder than men or is it sexism on the part of voters to be more receptive to attacks on women than on men?

Which one it is might suggest different strategies for combatting or mitigating sexism. (It could also be a little form column A and a little from column B.)

But maybe we are overplaying the sexism card here. Pelosi, after all, has higher national favorability ratings compared to Mitch McConnell. If Kamala Harris eventually wins a presidential election, will that be evidence that some of Hillary Clinton’s problems ascribed to sexism were actually due to Hillary Clinton being Hillary Clinton?

I agree with this but it seems beside the point. But obviously I prefer not to run elitists and to run progressives who will help the working class.

In order:


A lot from column A and a lot from column B

Pelosi should have higher ratings than Mitch by a wide margin. She sucks but he sucks 10x worse. He’s evaluated for his job performance, his detractors rip on his obstruction. She’s evaluated for being too shrill or assertive, her detractors rip on her personality or clothes.

I ascribe a lot of HRC’s weakness as a candidate to her positions and history rather than sexism, but Biden was also a weak candidate on policy and history. If Kamala wins it may mean times have changed or that there was less sexism than we thought, hard to say.

I can tell you I heard about four times as much “I’m scared of Kamala” than “I’m scared of Joe” from voters in PA.

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