LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop


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Is this serious because I have always gotten the opposite vibe from him?



I heard on a podcast that 11 of the House seats Rs picked up were by R minorities and/or women. They are beating us at identity politics! Sending in an AOC of the right and copying her playbook to take out the old white fossils Ds have that in no way represent their districts.

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Reducing the campaigns of Republican People of Color, Lady Republicans, and – most egregiously --Lady Republican People of Color to simply their races and genders? Bad!

A Latino district is naturally going to have a bias to elect a Latino unless the alternate candidate is exceptional. An old white person whose main qualification is being on good terms with D leadership does not qualify as exceptional.

Putting up a woman is a way to separate the candidate from the toxic masculinity of Trumpism. Rectifying a problem Rs created for themselves.

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She knows we’re fucked in 2022


“This” being 2019-2020 or “this” being 2021-2022?


SF dem primary is going to be interesting. i am calling that this is nancy’s last term

  1. I don’t understand why the progressive members of the House aren’t just saying no to this. What’s the point of having a Democratic speaker anyway? No good legislation will make it through the Senate, and their investigative powers aren’t as important with the executive branch back in sane control, not that they used those powers to accomplish anything the past 2 years anyway. Pelosi has declared war on the progressive branch anyway. What’s the reason to give her votes?

Obviously you don’t want a Republican speaker. They would put moderate Dems in tough spots, whereas Pelosi would shield them from having to take -EV votes.

What I want to know is why are the options Pelosi or Republican? Just put any monkey up there. If the caucus won’t vote for a progressive, put up one of those conservative House dudes who went nowhere in the Presidential primary. Pelosi drives up R turnout without corresponding enthusiasm on our side. If we had maintained a big lead in the House, there would be a case for her. But the House underperformed Biden, and even if she’s a “master legislator” or w/e, that’s worthless too if we don’t take the Senate. The D brand is more important right now.


You guys don’t get it. We elect Nancy speaker, and THEN we push her left. We can ignore her actions of the past few decades and past few months - she’ll be great this upcoming term!


Another reason she needs to go is that Republicans have like 20 years of smear equity. Similar to Hillary, they have so much invested in her as a boogeyman that she is a big problem for Democrats. Every single congressional ad in every single swing district is no effort “this (D) is a pawn of NANCY PELOSI and her LIBERAL ELITE AGENDA.” Of course they’ll just manufacture another villain instantly when she leaves but only Hillary and Nancy instantly evoke this much hatred among right wing media targets.


This is one of many reasons AOC will never become president.

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Doesn’t help that she is indeed the epitome of the liberal elite…

What if she doesn’t wait 20 years before running for president?

I don’t know, it sure helps that Nancy and Hillary both suck extremely hard. This same stuff never stuck in the same way to Obama, Clinton, and now Biden. Yes, they all had to deal with various smears but it never came close to hurting them electorally. They all won pretty handily in every election. I’m sure some would say it’s sexism but I’ve sure never seen any one of those three with a moment even close to as cringey as “I take credit for holding the majority” or taking extreme umbrage at Wolf Blitzer’s (!) questioning Pelosi about stimulus.