LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

People are dumb

Right? Like dumb enough to think you shouldn’t campaign on abortion and weed


Ok, but people are also dumb.

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wtf does limit government interference with abortion amendment even mean? You could interrupt that two polar opposite ways. lol pollsters.

Even more lol pollsters when you consider that the actual amendment is called the Right to Abortion Initiative.

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The thing polled about in Florida there isn’t blanket reproductive rights, just abortions to protect the patient’s health.

most of the people who are against abortions probably were like Clovis where they didn’t understand the question whereas those that support female reproductive rights had no issue.

What was polled was a current ballot measure in Florida. People had more context.

Pelosi’s message to Republicans: ‘I’m out to get you’

The former House speaker, promoting her new book, spent 100 minutes with a small group of reporters talking about her 20-year reign over the Democratic caucus and the lessons she’s applying to this year’s election.

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A good X thread of political ads showing just how conservative many democrats were during the Obama administration.

Looks like it comes down to Montana.

Brown has to hold in OH too. I think he was ahead in the last poll I saw.

If Brown loses in Ohio it’s part of a Republican landslide.

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Montana looking bad tho yea? We are at 49 if we lose Montana?

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Yes, unless we can offset a loss there with a win in TX or FL.

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Interesting thread, and I would love to see Democrats go after this but I just don’t see the party leadership ready to see through a massive fight like this.

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But my daddy said it’s my birthright to be a useless, leeching middle man


I have absolutely no idea how Sherrod Brown stays in power, the man is a Machiavelli-grade political genius.

Do Dems have a realistic shot at taking all 3?

Yes. It probably comes down to winning Montana unless there is a crazy movement that puts Florida or Texas in play.