LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

can’t imagine buying $1.2m of nvda at these prices, must be CHIPS ACT II coming

I’m glad Trump will execute Pelosi and some others

That’s like 4 shares.


She timed TSLA completely wrong though. Apparently it went on a +25% run this week

Are we all just huge dumbasses for not buying truckloads of Pelosi ETFs years ago?

She bought on the 26th, similar price to now

It says she sold 2,500 shares on June 24th. TSLA closed around 182 that day. On the 26th it was 196. Today, the stock is up to 246.

I’m dumb, I was looking at NVDA

Coincidentally, Planet Money has a new episode on the NANC/CRUZ ETFs. Turns out we were all morons for not backing up the truck and doing a bit of insider trading ourselves.


I can’t wait for the SCOTUS overturn on this one in a few years. But at least we’ll be rid of him after this year so that’s something.

So brave

Why let this case go to trial, lol.

During his trial, Menendez’s attorneys asserted that he ate at the Morton’s on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. an astonishing, unforgivable 250 nights per year. That is every weeknight for 50 weeks, which is among other things many more weeks than the Senate is in session; during Menendez’s time in office, no Senate session has been longer than 2017’s 195 days. This leaves us no choice to assume that there were days—even, chillingly, weeks—during which Menendez had both lunch and dinner at the steakhouse. Whatever the dozens of bacon-wrapped scallops consumed, however stately the seafood towers brought low, regardless the numbers of Olympic-sized swimming pools worth of creamed spinach that were drained during this period, the number will be greater than any of us could bear.


Too bad someone didn’t do a Super Size Me type doc on the Menendez diet.

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how do u not get gout? 250 times a year is insane.

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What’s the Dimaggio reference

56 games in a row with a hit, I guess more than 56 days in a row eating at a steakhouse.

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